Friday, April 19, 2013

Thankful v3

With everything happening around the nation causing so much hurt and pain and damage this week, I wanted to take the time to appreciate the things in my life that sometimes get passed by. It's so easy (unbelieveable easy at times) to get wrapped up in life, wrapped up in the negativity and the stress and the "whoa is me" mentality that sometimes the littlest things that should be making us smile or bringing joy into our lives go unnoticed. One thing I've found that my little family is particularly prone to is only seeing the bad in something  instead of realizing how lucky and blessed we are and happy we should be instead. 

Today I am thankful for:

+ My amazing husband and our sweet baby Ollie. These two are constantly making me smile between their goofy conversations, silly antics and unwavering love for me. Every day when I get home from work I get tail wags from one and kisses from the other. (I'll let you determine who gives me which ;-) )

+ The fact that I only have to wake up for work 16 more times! With our honeymoon and the weekends I realized yesterday I really don't have that much time left at my job and it's sort of surreal. Especially given that I wont have a "real job" for the next 4 years as med school will consume my entire life. 

+ Our upcoming honeymoon to Ireland. With everything else going on in our life lately I admit that we haven't been very focused at all on our marriage lately and a week away with no access to phones, twitter, facebook, or the US in general will be exactly what these newly-weds need. Not to mention how thankful I am that we can even go on this trip in the first place. 

+ Spring flowers and warm weather. Even though we're moving to CO by choice, I can't say that wont miss the amazing weather and sunshine in lovely SD. I'm going to try and soak up every minute of it over the next few weeks especially given that there's snow on the ground in our soon-to-be new state. 

+ How lucky we are to be embarking in our second home-buying experience at the ages we are. Sure there are inspections and loans, expenses of new carpet and new furniture we'll have to get at some point and plenty of other worries associated with this stage in our life but there are many other people who aren't able to buy a house at all. Not to mention how easily the house hunting search was for us. We're pretty fortunate I'd say.  

+ Our families and our friends. It's so easy to lose touch with these people because life gets in the way all too often. We find ourselves making excuses as to why we haven't called/texted/emailed some of the most important people in our lives more frequently. But today I am thankful that they're just a phone call away, knowing that they're all in good health (mostly) and in good spirits and will never hold it against me for my lack of effort. These people really are the greatest.

Tell me, what's something you're thankful for today? 
What's something that you usually pay little attention to that's actually pretty great?

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Hollandmoon: Packing List

J and I will be traveling to Ireland for our honeymoon in a little less than 2 weeks! With everything going on lately with selling & buying a house, traveling to CO, and getting ready to move it seems like this trip has really snuck up on us. We have everything booked that we need, now it's just a matter of packing and getting there already! 

The weather while we're there should be in the 50's which isn't the warmest but it's temperatures we're used to. My plan is to pack as lightly as possible for this trip and be able to use pieces of clothing in many ways to create different looks. I'm pretty sure layering is going to be crucial especially if it's raining or windy so I've planned accordingly. Obviously there are things not included like sleep wear, undies, socks, etc but I think this is a pretty good start. I've put together outfit ideas based on what I know is in my closet and here's what I've come up with for our 10 day trip!

Here's the break-down: 
3 Jackets
3 pairs of Jeans
1 pair of Yoga Pants
2 pairs of Shoes
8 Tops & Sweaters

 So tell me, when you travel (international or domestic) what do you never leave behind? 
What are your travel tricks? 
Am I forgetting something? 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Homeowners: Moving to Colorado

This past weekend J and I flew to Colorado to do a frantic, mad-dash of a house hunting operation.

Less than 48 hours after this house was listed on the market, we had a signed offer from the sellers and were under contract on our new home. This house was approximately the 6th one we'd seen that day and as soon as we walked in we were crunching numbers trying to figure out what our best offer could be for this beauty. We ended up putting in the offer that afternoon, continuing the search just in case they didn't accept and by the time we were done for the day it was all finished. J and I celebrated with a delicious dinner complete with margaritas and dreamt of our new life back in our home state. 

We've been trying and wishing to move back to CO for years now. To be closer to our families, to have our amazing friends just a phone call away, to be able to enjoy the seasons, the birthdays, the holidays in the state we've always called home. And now it's not only come true but where we'll actually be is a reality now.

I'm already dreaming of the meals we'll cook together in our fabulous new kitchen, all the nights I'll curl up next to the fire place in our master bedroom (!!!), the BBQs we'll host on our patio, the games of fetch Ollie can play in our huge yard and the memories we'll make for years to come in what is quite literally, our dream home.

It was a fantastic weekend and we feel so blessed for this new house we'll soon call home. Now the countdown to Colorado has really started!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Dear Monday

Dear Monday,
You are rough today.
It might have something to do
with the adult beverages from last night.
Even O-dog got in on the action.
No Thanks,

Dear Hubs, 
Thank you for such a fun weekend. 
It sure is awesome to laugh and be silly with you 
and remember exactly why I married you!
Your Wife

Dear Ollie,
Seriously you're the best.
Everyone at the vet seemed to think so too.
"He's just so sweet"
"Can you sit? Ohhh you can!"
Your Proud Momma

Dear Colorado, 
We will be seeing you this weekend!
Please let your housing market be kind to us.
We're really excited to get our new home!
With Appreciation,
CO Girl

Dear J, 
I can't wait to watch you defend your thesis this week.
I'll be cheering you on with a huge smile on my face!
I am so, so proud of you!
You're Biggest Fan,

Dear Poppies, 
Thank you for spreading your orange beauty in our yard.
And especially for doing it all on your own.
Gardening hasn't been a priority lately
but you're still making our yard feel like spring.
Green Thumb?

Dear Gym, 
It's definitely hard to get motivated lately.
But when I do I'm usually rewarded.
This week, PR on dead lifts, baby!
Buff Girl

Monday, April 1, 2013

Book of Lists: v5

Things have been so insane around these parts that I seriously cannot believe that today is April 1st!!!
With selling a house, buying a house, working, finishing a thesis, trying to enjoy life in San Diego our life lately has been a tad bit busy to say the least. But since today is the first, I took full advantage of this month's Book of Lists topic and was able to slow down a little, taking in the day around me. 

This month's topic was "Today I Saw"

Thanks again to Kathleen of Kapachino for hosting!

Next month's topic: With me at all times

To see all past lists, go here
To visit Kathleen, go here


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