Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Homeowners: The Hollands Move - again!

In the whirlwind that this spring/summer has been I've failed to post here about our most recent adventure. 

We've moved! 

I briefly mentioned my Match Day results in a monthly post for Patrick but figured it was worth documenting all for it's self. I matched into the Family Medicine program in Ft. Collins, Colorado. This three year journey will begin in the beginning of July and over the course of the last few weeks we've closed on the selling of our 2nd home and the purchasing of our 3rd, packed & moved and unpacked in our brand-new home. I am taking full advantage of the free time I have to combo getting things done around the house and having lots of summer fun with my two tiny ones. I hope to share more details about our newest home as things come together but we seriously love our new place! 

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Day in the Life - Momma

June 5th
7:45am   ||  Breakfast of cinnamon sugar toast & blueberries for two wild toddlers, their scraps & coffee for momma
9:15am   ||  Grocery store run for odds and ends because were out of the house in a matter of days
9:45am   ||  A hot, sweaty walk to an old park leaving momma gasping from pushing heavy babies
10:15am ||  "Pat Pat let me show you how the turning works" in matching sun hats
11:15am  ||  Peaked around the corner from making lunch to find two sweet brothers building
1:00pm   ||  Boys are sleeping so it's book time for momma which lasted all of five minutes before I was asleep on the 
                   couch too
3:00pm   ||  Littlest is up first and among his newest tricks is using a pillow to climb onto the couch
3:45pm   ||  Biggest joins the party so we move outside and he's finally allowed to run his cars through the dirt in the 
                   flower pots
7:00pm   ||  Post-dinner shenanigans where Mark is starting to realize Pat has some fighting power, even if it's just in his 
                  weight right now
7:30pm   ||  This little boy and his ticklish piggies & sleepy belly laughs 

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Baby H: One Year Photos (times two) pt2

It's no surprise that this spring/summer have been jam-packed with significant life events. Patrick turning one. Momma becoming a doctor. Buying a brand new house for residency. And selling the house that we've called home for the last four years. And for part of Patrick's One Year photo session we decided to have a bit of a lifestyle shoot in this home before we hand over the keys to it's next owners. 

This house is bursting at the seams with memories starting since we moved back to Colorado four years ago. Late night summer BBQs with the friends we truly feel are family. Holiday parties, hosting Christmas and traditions we'll carry with us wherever we go. Heartbreak and fights and tears and some of the lowest of lows. Hours and hours of studying and working making a life for ourselves. Celebrations of pregnancies and two blue gender reveal parties. Bringing home our brand new babies and throwing three little boy birthday parties. Promotions for J, residency match for me. And all the little day to day life moments that I'll hold in my heart forever. 

To be honest, I was nervous with how a lifestyle shoot for our family would go. We were in the middle of listing the house which meant we flew out the door after our session for afternoon showings and the house was in an odd state of "put away". We also have two little boys who can be very wild and very opinionated leaving this momma nervous and hoping for some good shots. And boy oh boy, I seriously cannot stop loving these images. We wandered the house, touching on our favorite places to spend time as a family. The boys showed off their lovies, their beds, their toes and giggles. We practiced walking, read books, "worked" with dad, drank milk, filled our bellies with berries and changed clothes. And most importantly, we celebrated the house that made us a family and that we'll deeply and truly miss once we're gone. 

Romley Court, you were one for the memory books. We hope your new owners cherish you like we have and that you bring as much joy to your new family as you have to ours. Thanks for the last four years and thanks for the memories. 

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Baby H: One Year Photos (times two) pt1

For our final photo shoot with Amber of Echo Images for Patrick's One Year session, we headed to a local park for a perfect rustic backdrop as part of our session. I couldn't be more pleased with the results! (I'll be posting the second part of our session as soon as my emotions about it calm down, you'll understand once I do). I will continue to pay good money for professional photos of my family because there is seriously nothing sweeter.

Yet again, she was able to capture our family perfectly... the moments of sweetness between brothers, the wildness that is two toddler boys and some of my absolute favorite captures of our entire family. One thing (among very many) that I love about Amber is that she's always willing to be silly and wacky to get our littles attention and boy does it pay off. Instead of these images showing the meltdowns fueled by impending lunch and nap time, she captured genuine smiles, wobbly baby legs, life with boys and one of my all time favorite pictures of my brown eyed boy! Enjoy!

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Thankful v24

Lately I've been thankful...
[+] for strong-willed toddlers even if they push my buttons daily 

[+] for quick healing & an overall healthy month which is saying something
[+] for my little sidekicks who are seriously the best boys this momma could dream of

[+] for boxes & packing tape & eagerly anticipating our brand new house
[+] for wrinkled noses, warm summer nights & pink ice-cream to share

[+] for overlapping nap times, three sleeping guys & some momma alone time
[+] for late night kisses that smell like sunscreen, sweat & ketchup 

[+] for memories in the form of pictures that I'll cherish for the rest of my life
[+] for some of the most thoughtful & amazingly handmade gifts I've ever received

[+] for 6 weeks at home being "momma" before residency calls me to be "doctor"
[+] for new found independence even if it is a little unsteady sometimes 

[+] for growing little monkeys even if it means tendonitis for momma
[+] for having two sons who are turning into the best of friends 

2017 is turning out to be one heck of a year!


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