[+] weighs 23#6.5oz (81%), is 30in tall (57%) and his head is 46.5cm (63%).
[+] is wearing 12-18mo sizes for the most part. Some of his pants are 18mo because I have to pillow-case shake him into some of the smaller ones which is never a good feeling. He wears size 4 diapers and size 4 shoes.
[+] had yet again another horrible sickness month and goodness gracious it seems like they just keep getting worse. He started out the month with another horrible GI bug, was absolutely inconsolable, and just wasn't his go-with-the-flow self for a handful of days. Then he decided to top a house record and get a 103* fever at 11:30pm which broke the next day into one of the worst cases of hand-foot-mouth disease our pedi has ever seen. His poor little body was absolutely wrecked with blisters, then open sores, then peeling yucky-ness for what seemed like weeks. He was so miserable
(as were we all!) and I'm so glad it's past us. Here's hoping he doesn't lose all his finger and toe nails with this one!
[+] is seriously motoring with his walker and barely puts any pressure on your hand when you help him walk but won't just do it himself yet! In the last two-ish weeks we've really been trying to work with him on walking and we've definitely made progress with him standing on his own not holding anything. But then he just sits and crawls to us instead of attempting steps, silly lazy boy! Hopefully we've got a walker on our hands soon.
[+] still points all the time and I love it. He's also mastered clapping as his version of sign language "more" and he'll shake his head back and forth when we say "no, no, no". He dances if he likes a certain song, particularly anything Justin Timberlake, and still nothing makes him laugh harder than his big brother Mark.
[+] is starting the transition to whole milk and it's not going very well yet. He absolutely hates the cold temp and also isn't taking too well to the sippy cup yet so we're having to improvise some. As of right now, he's still only using a bottle and we're trying to make his formula cooler and heating his actual milk up ever so slightly. He "drinks" four times a day, 5-7oz each time and we're gradually introducing more and more milk as the days go by. He also eats three meals with us and while he's definitely not the bottomless pit he was in the past, for the most part he'll eat everything we do.
[+] is still taking two naps, around 10am and 1:30pm and I'm not sure how much longer that will last. We have a handful of events coming up
(selling the house, weddings out of town, etc etc) that might interfere with his morning naps so maybe it'll force us into dropping to one. He goes to bed at night around 7:30pm and sleeps until at least 6am but we don't actually go get him till 7am.
[+] celebrated his first birthday! We threw him a very similar party to Mark's 1st and it was such a joy to celebrate our littlest with such a perfect day. While he literally only wanted to be in my arms the whole time, we had a blast with our family and friends and without fail, this boy killed his green cake! On his actual birthday
(which fell on Easter Sunday) we opened presents, cleaned the house for selling, played at the park and went out to dinner before everyone passed out in bed. I can't believe we have another one year old on our hands already!
[+] nicknames: Pat Pat, stink-bug, chunky monkey
[+] likes: wagon rides, swinging, momma, eating wood chips off the floor
[+] dislikes: being sick, sippy cups of milk, getting above wood chips out of his mouth
[+] find so much joy in having a momma's boy this time around! I went through so many emotions with Mark because I felt like I didn't connect with him. Either because he would reach for someone else when I held him or because I couldn't settle him when he was upset sometimes or because he still calls out to daddy more than mommy. But regardless, even if my arms are tired, I wouldn't put Pat down for anything when my arms are the only place he wants. Feeling his little face press against my neck as he turns away shy from someone else.... it's heaven I tell you!
[+] have officially matched into the family medicine residency program in Ft. Collins, Colorado. I am thrilled to have matched within the state although I'm fairly anxious to have everything taken care of for us to get there. We have to sell a house, buy a house, pack & move and arrange child care. I have to finish my online classes, re-certify for ACLS, graduate and take care of all the other loose ends life seems to be throwing us. It's a daunting process and a tough three years ahead of me but it feels so good to be moving on to the last and final stage of this whole deal.
[+] am trying to make myself a priority more and while I still haven't done a good job yet, I'm definitely making progress. I have an annual doctor's appointment set for myself and am planning on finally scheduling some dental work I need done. I have some spa gift cards I need to use before the big move and am hoping to get those set soon too. I have a number of momma-only events coming up in the next month and think that time away with girlfriends will be just what I need.