I know its sort of odd that I'm posting a "my week" update on a Wednesday but 1. I've been busy working and celebrating this weekend 2. this is my blog so I can do weekly updates on a Wednesday if I please and 3. I didn't have enough pictures to show you until now.
But I digress. Here's what I've been up to...

+ If you follow me on Twitter you probably saw this picture last week when I was craving something sweet after dinner but we had nothing and I was forced to be creative with what we had. Yes that is peanut butter on a spoon covered with chocolate chips and yes it was delicious.
+ Ollie acts like a teenager in the mornings still and sometimes has a harder time waking up than I do. But, once he does get on his feet, stretches and shakes, he's all about cuddling. To the point that if you move away a few inches he creeps back to you. I love my snuggles with him in the AMs.
+ This is my first attempt at a waterfall braid. If you're on Pintrest (follow me! jaymeeryn) then you've probably seen a few of these hairstyles going around and I had to give it a shot. I'm all about braids in the summer heat and this one is awesome although I might need some more practice.
+ I had the time to make myself breakfast last week which doesn't happen that often. So instead of a yogurt or PBJ on the go I went all out. Blueberry french toast and an iced caramel macchiato.
+ As an early anniversary treat I picked up some fro yo on the way home from volunteering on Thursday night. What can I say, I like toppings almost more than the actual yogurt itself.
+ Another new hair trial: the sock bun. I'm all about trying new things and since I don't have a lot of expendable money for new make-up/fancy clothes all the time what a better (and cheaper) way than playing with hairstyles.
+ A star shaped bowl filled with hot tamales candies just screams 4th of July doesn't it? Oh well, maybe not. But hey it's festive (and delicious) if nothing else. And seriously, goal for next week, don't take so many pictures of food. This is like #4 isn't it?
+ A touch of red, white and blue for the apartment. Thank you Dollar Tree for having the right colors of youth t-shirts for me to cut up while I watch trashy TV one afternoon.
+ This was Ollie's first 4th of July and we were a bit worried about how he would be with the fireworks. When we decided to walk up the street to a local lake that was putting on a show it made more sense to us to bring O-dog with instead of leaving him alone to freak out. He did amazingly well after realizing the loud noises weren't anything but that didn't stop him from basically sitting in our laps for a little while.
+ I just love fireworks and I wish they were more appropriate for other times of the year as well. And by the way, this isn't too bad of a picture given that it was taken from my phone and not a fancy camera.
Hope everyone is having a fabulous week enjoying the summer.
Your food pics are making me oddly happy :)
ReplyDeleteCool to see your hair experimentation!