Friday, February 24, 2012

The Nail Files: 1x

Today I'm linking up with the Nail Files hosted by Tara of Fabulous But Evil and Vicki of My Vickilicious Life.

The Nail Files

It's a deep purple/red almost wine color with hints of red shimmer.
I currently have this color on both my toes and my fingers. 

Because there's never enough shots with the ring :-)

Trying to illustrate the shimmer and sparkle this color has is more difficult than I would have thought. 

What color nails are you sporting these days?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Would You Rather

Both Katie of Spirals & Spatulas and Rachel of simple.little.joys posted these fun questions about would you rather. I loved getting to know both of them a little more by reading their answers so I decided to play along as well.

Would you rather be given $5,000, no questions asked or lose 20 lbs with the guarantee of never gaining it back? 
I would definitely take the money. While I'm not in exactly the physical shape that I want to be, my ideal body doesn't involve losing 20 lbs. Plus, there's a lot of things I could use $5,000 for! 

Would you rather be poor and work in a job you absolutely love or be rich and work in a job you hate going to?
Honestly, rich at a job I hate going to. For me, a job is just a part of my life, not the whole thing. There are many other things that I do, relationships that I have, hobbies that I enjoy and things I want to accomplish that don't and wouldn't involve my job. And having a good paying job would help with all of those things. Vacations with J and my family. A nice home decorated exactly the way that I want. Clothes that make me feel great about myself, foods that are delicious and pleasures I'd enjoy much more than the sacrifice of having a bad paying job would make up for. 

Would you rather have your flight delayed by 8 hours or lost your luggage, only finding it after your trip is over? 
Definitely delayed. When J and I went to Hawaii we got there around mid afternoon and didn't get our bags until late in the evening because of a mix up at our layover. It ended up pouring rain that first night, J and I got absolutely soaked and ended up eating dinner wearing cold, wet jeans and shoes and socks with nothing to change into. It was only a few hours and I hated it.  

Would you rather go without internet or car for a month? 
Internet. While I'd definitely have a little withdrawal because of it, I do way too much driving to work, tutoring, errands, etc etc etc to go without a car. That plus J and I have pretty different schedules, we both work full time in opposite directions so working out something to share a car would not be ideal. And no thank you to public transportation around where we live, it'd be miserable. 

Would you rather be a member of the cast of Friends or Sex and the City? 
I never really got into Friends that much. Please don't hate me forever?!?! So simply for the fact that I feel like I know the ladies of STC better I'd say I'll hang with them. 

Would you rather date someone 20 years older or 10 years younger? 
20 years older simply for the fact that I don't want to date a 13 year old. And possibly because, even if I was 40 and my date was 30, I just do not want to be the cougar type. No thanks! :-)

Would you rather always have to say anything that comes to your mind or never be able to speak? 
I think I'd rather have to speak my mind. I don't think I have that many thoughts that I wouldn't want people knowing, minus embarrassing things like if anyone realizes I didn't shower this morning (oops) but nothing that would get me in trouble or put in a bad situation. Plus I think I'd get too bored if I couldn't talk. 

Would you rather marry Kris Humphries or Scott Disick?
Neither. But if I had to pick because my life depended on it I'd chose Scott. But the current New York Scott, not the Miami Scott. He's grown into being a good father and partner and seems to really be getting his life on track. Gosh, I watch too much Kardashians don't I?

Would you rather be banned from Facebook or Blogger?
Blogger because even though I couldn't write posts I could always catch up on everyone else through Google Reader. And I'm just on Facebook way too much. Living 1000 miles from the people I've been friends with the longest and having most of my college friends move away from SD after graduation things are just too hard to keep up on without Facebook. 

Would you rather skip Christmas or your birthday? 
It hurts me to say it but I'd skip my birthday. Cringe! I love, love, love birthdays so this is a tough call but Christmas involves everyone I love celebrating together so the selfless part of me chooses Christmas over my birthday. 

Happy Thursday Everyone!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

#FebPhotoADay [W3]

How is it already three weeks into February? Here's my week three for the Feb Photo A Day Challenge from fat mum slim

Missed week 1 or week 2?

Feb 15: Phone
I have a T-Mobile MyTouch and it wears a purple gel skin.

Feb 16: Something New
Okay so this isn't really super new but I think it still works. It still feels new to think that I'm engaged!

Feb 17: Time
I'm supposed to be at work at 7:30 every day and when I'm early I end up sitting in my car listening to more music before I start my day.

Feb 18: Drink
I've been making these smoothies for breakfast and they are delish! Oatmeal, a frozen banana, peanut butter, milk and a little honey. 

Feb 19: Something you hate to do
Some days on the weekend J and I end up taking afternoon naps and I always hate getting up to turn on the lights after it's gotten dark for the day. 

Feb 20: Handwriting
My mom seems to think I've "gotten messier since high school" but I actually like my handwriting. 

 Feb 21: A fave photo of you
J and I both graduated from SDSU in May of last year, 2011. It was a huge day for each of us and an even bigger day for us as a couple for what we've been able to accomplish.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

#FebPhotoADay [W2]

Here is my second week of photos from the Photo Challenge on fat mum slim! I realize that this is a week late but it's better late than never, right? While I might be bad at blogging about these pictures I have really enjoyed taking them each day and if nothing else, tweeting about them. I think I'm going to continue and do the month of March too.

Wanna check back on Week 1?

Feb 8: Sun
I sure do love my San Diego sunny days. Thanks for the 70 degree weather in January, Cali!

Feb 9: Front Door
A peak inside our house and our favorite O-dog. 

Feb 10: Self Portrait
J was out of town for the weekend so I spent Friday night catching up on my dvr shows, drinking wine and reading blogs in my sweats. 

Feb 11: Makes you happy
Love this little guy. Regardless of my mood a smile from him always brightens my day. 

Feb 12: Inside your closet
J and I have separate closets in our house now and I absolutely love it. 

Feb 13: Blue
I use this mug at least 3 or 4 days each week to take coffee into work. I got it as a Christmas gift a few years ago and even though it's cracked it's still my favorite one (because it sparkles!)

Feb 14: Heart
J brought home some beautiful pink tipped roses on Valentine's Day. I sure do love him with my whole heart!

Stay tuned for Week 3 in the next day or so.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Tying The Knot: Asking My Maids

One of the first things that came to mind about planning our wedding was who our wedding party was going to be. We both agreed that we wanted a wedding party that wasn't too big which lead us to deciding that each of us would have four people stand up for us. J has a group of guy friends who've all been together since high school and he knew which of them he would pick almost right away. I've always had more of a select, smaller group of best friends as opposed to having a posse of 20 always around so my choices were relatively easy as well. 

But that's it for us. There will be 10 people, J and I included, standing in the front of the room during our ceremony. We don't really have anyone younger that's close to us so junior bridesmaids, flower girls and ring bearers are out (unless J convinces me to let Ollie participate, ha!). I have a very small family, J doesn't have any young cousins, nieces or nephews, no friends with kids (yet), and we didn't feel like we should place people in our wedding just for the sake of doing so. 

When we returned to SD after the holidays I was immediately checking out Pinterest, drafting ideas and trying to find the perfect way to ask my Maids to be part of our wedding day. There are so many creative options out there but I knew I wanted something a little more minimal since they were going to be sent through the mail as opposed to hand delivered. I loved the idea of giving a bottle of wine or something like that but when it came down to shipping cost I removed those ideas from my inspiration. After many amazing options I decided on this as my final inspiration....

                                                                       Source: via Jayme on Pinterest

After a trip to Michael's to pick up some card stock I pulled out my watercolors (remember how I made them?) and got to work. The process is simple and outlined completely in the post I linked to through Pinterest but just to give you an overview.... Write or trace over a print out using a white colored pencil, watercolor over your designs, let dry mostly, wipe off excess paint and dry completely. I absolutely love how they turned out so I'll let the pictures do the talking. 

They are all similar but all unique. I chose cooler colors and used the same 3 colors on all the cards but in a different layout for each. I love that they're personalized and handmade and I think the ladies did too. 

For the insides I printed out two different sets, one for my Maid of Honor and one for my three Bridesmaids. I cut the paper so that it would cover the whole inside of the card because the watercoloring left the paper slightly wavy. I glued them in, signed them and let them sit between a bio-chem and a physiology text book overnight. (I knew those books would come in handy again!)

While my paints were drying I also made custom envelopes with pretty scrapbook paper. The details for these are found in the same Pinterest link as well but again they're super easy. Just measuring, cutting small triangles, folding and gluing. They're amazingly unique and again I loved how they came out. I chose paper that was bold enough to be different but was still reasonable to address without causing confusion for the postman.

I finished off the cards by sliding them in their envelops along with a photo of me and each girl respectively and off they went. Three to Colorado and one a couple hours away in San Diego. I couldn't think of four better ladies to share in this journey with me and I am honored they all want to have a place in such a memorable day for J and I. 

One maid of honor, three bridesmaids and one extra happy bride-to-be!
(all of the ladies have already gotten their cards which is why I can finally share this with you)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Boston Cream Pie Cupcakes

This past Sunday was my 23rd birthday. 
I can't believe it's already almost the middle of February because I'm still wondering where 2011 went if we're being honest here. 

When J and I were talking about plans for the birthday weekend festivities he asked me if I'd like a regular cake, cupcakes or an ice cream cake. And while I would really love all of the above because I'm a huge dessert fan I actually opted out for none. You're in complete shock now, right?  

Instead of buying a delicious treat I wanted to try a new recipe, something from my Sweet Treats board on Pinterest and these are what I picked.

They were incredibly simple to make and I whipped them up during the Super Bowl on Sunday afternoon. I actually worked on them when the actual game was on because honestly, I didn't care much about who won the game. I was more interested in the commercials and half-time show. Here's how mine turned out....

I made one batch of mini cupcake size and the rest as regular size. If I were to do it again I would make them all mini because they were the perfect bite-size snack to curb that sweet tooth. They are so rich, so delicious and pretty filling. To keep J and myself from eating every single one of them I brought a big tupperware full of them to work on Monday and they were a huge hit. The empty tupperware came home with me the next day! 

I chalk this recipe up as a success! I will definitely be making them again and I suggest you consider doing the same if you're in need, whether socially or personally, ;-) of a little something sweet. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

#FebPhotoADay [W1]

If you follow me on Twitter then you've probably noticed that I decided to jump on the bandwagon this month and play along with the photo challenge that Chantelle of Fat Mum Slim is hosting. For each day of February there is a "picture topic" and you interpret it however you like and snap a pic. 

I figured daily tweets and weekly blog posts of my pictures would work out the best so....
Here's week #1

Feb 1: Your view today
My birthday is in the beginning of February and I got my first box in the mail! I love getting packages and mail in general (when it's not bills that is) 

Feb 2: Words
This is how I killed a little time when I was early for one of my tutoring sessions. I'm currently reading House Rules by Jodi Picoult (love her!)

Feb 3: Hands
I work for a biotech company so latex gloves are like part of my uniform. Latex and dry ice that is.

Feb 4: A stranger
I have a weird phobia of sorts of taking pictures of people I don't know. Plus a lot of my day on the 4th was spent with no strangers present. Therefore I tweeted "there's no strangers in this bed" in a poor attempt at this prompt. Oops. 

Feb 5: 10am
My birthday! And at 10am I was trying on my new pair of Lululemon yoga pants given to me by my momma. They are absolutely the most comfortable lounge pants I've ever worn. 

Feb 6: Dinner
We made cheese burgers on the grill for dinner and I've been going through a weird stage lately where I don't want a bun with mine. Just the patty with a little mayo-ketchup mix and I'm set. 

Feb 7: Button
Similar to latex gloves, my work involves a timer on a regular basis. These are usually the only buttons I push during a day like this. 

Stay tuned for Week #2! Please let me know if you're already or start to play along too, I'd love to see your pictures too. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly [V3]

[The Good]

1. We are one step closer to booking a venue for our wedding. This past weekend, amidst the 20+ inches of snow that blanketed Denver, J's and my mom visited a few of our top locations for us. I was able to narrow it down to a few places based on what we could see online, pricing and availability but you can't really get the full effect and ambiance of a place unless you actually see it. The moms are currently making their decisions and there will be a secret vote for how the sites rank soon. Even though we have quite some time to plan still I can't help but be excited to get a venue and date set in stone.

2. About 2 weeks ago I made the biggest purchase of my life. I am now the proud owner of a 2012 Honda Civic. My old car, Ruby, was a 1997 2-door Saturn with over 160,000 miles. She made this squealing noise most of the time, her dome light was falling out, the automatic windows always rolled down but not always up.... needless to say she was a little bit on the rough side and I needed an upgrade. Well J and I went to a couple dealerships one rainy Saturday, with no intent on buying anything, and we drove home in the new car! 

[The Bad]

1. It's been dreary and cloudy all day and literally as I type this it's started raining. I am seriously NOT a fan of the rain. The cold or the snow I'm totally fine with. But the rain, y-u-c-k! There's no way to avoid getting wet in it, it makes people in San Diego drive like they only have one eye, and it makes me completely and utterly unproductive.

2. I've been trying to get more motivated lately to be active and start working out again. I downloaded the RunKeeper app through the Android market that uses GPS to track your route, pace and elevation. I updated my account on MyFitnessPal and I've been pinning "at home workouts" since we don't have a membership to a gym. However, I just can't seem to get in the groove of working out right now. My ultimate goal is to be in better shape and have more muscle tone (not necessarily weight loss) so it's hard to get motivated to run instead of eating a second piece of chocolate. I'm hoping that the longer days and better weather that's to come in the spring months will help but for now I could use a Jillian Michaels of sorts.

[The Ugly]

1. J is going back to CO this coming weekend to visit his family. I've subtely mentioned a couple of times that we've been needing more prayers and positive thoughts since the holidays and his trip home has to do with this. I realize that I am being totally vague every time I mention this but there's a lot of privacy and personal details that I don't want to share and I want to respect J's family (and my new family). My side of the family is seriously small and I cherish the fact that I'll be gaining so much in this arena by marrying into this new family. Basically what it boils down to is a pretty sick relative and J wanting to spend some quality time in CO.

Want to see more of [The Good, The Bad, The Ugly]?


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