Would you rather be given $5,000, no questions asked or lose 20 lbs with the guarantee of never gaining it back?
I would definitely take the money. While I'm not in exactly the physical shape that I want to be, my ideal body doesn't involve losing 20 lbs. Plus, there's a lot of things I could use $5,000 for!
Would you rather be poor and work in a job you absolutely love or be rich and work in a job you hate going to?
Honestly, rich at a job I hate going to. For me, a job is just a part of my life, not the whole thing. There are many other things that I do, relationships that I have, hobbies that I enjoy and things I want to accomplish that don't and wouldn't involve my job. And having a good paying job would help with all of those things. Vacations with J and my family. A nice home decorated exactly the way that I want. Clothes that make me feel great about myself, foods that are delicious and pleasures I'd enjoy much more than the sacrifice of having a bad paying job would make up for.
Would you rather have your flight delayed by 8 hours or lost your luggage, only finding it after your trip is over?
Definitely delayed. When J and I went to Hawaii we got there around mid afternoon and didn't get our bags until late in the evening because of a mix up at our layover. It ended up pouring rain that first night, J and I got absolutely soaked and ended up eating dinner wearing cold, wet jeans and shoes and socks with nothing to change into. It was only a few hours and I hated it.
Would you rather go without internet or car for a month?
Internet. While I'd definitely have a little withdrawal because of it, I do way too much driving to work, tutoring, errands, etc etc etc to go without a car. That plus J and I have pretty different schedules, we both work full time in opposite directions so working out something to share a car would not be ideal. And no thank you to public transportation around where we live, it'd be miserable.
Would you rather be a member of the cast of Friends or Sex and the City?
I never really got into Friends that much. Please don't hate me forever?!?! So simply for the fact that I feel like I know the ladies of STC better I'd say I'll hang with them.
Would you rather date someone 20 years older or 10 years younger?
20 years older simply for the fact that I don't want to date a 13 year old. And possibly because, even if I was 40 and my date was 30, I just do not want to be the cougar type. No thanks! :-)
Would you rather always have to say anything that comes to your mind or never be able to speak?
I think I'd rather have to speak my mind. I don't think I have that many thoughts that I wouldn't want people knowing, minus embarrassing things like if anyone realizes I didn't shower this morning (oops) but nothing that would get me in trouble or put in a bad situation. Plus I think I'd get too bored if I couldn't talk.
Would you rather marry Kris Humphries or Scott Disick?
Neither. But if I had to pick because my life depended on it I'd chose Scott. But the current New York Scott, not the Miami Scott. He's grown into being a good father and partner and seems to really be getting his life on track. Gosh, I watch too much Kardashians don't I?
Would you rather be banned from Facebook or Blogger?
Blogger because even though I couldn't write posts I could always catch up on everyone else through Google Reader. And I'm just on Facebook way too much. Living 1000 miles from the people I've been friends with the longest and having most of my college friends move away from SD after graduation things are just too hard to keep up on without Facebook.
Would you rather skip Christmas or your birthday?
It hurts me to say it but I'd skip my birthday. Cringe! I love, love, love birthdays so this is a tough call but Christmas involves everyone I love celebrating together so the selfless part of me chooses Christmas over my birthday.
Happy Thursday Everyone!
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