Monday, June 11, 2012

Weekend Recap

After a week/end with my mom in town last week it was nice to have some time with my just my two boys this past weekend.  I worked a little late on Friday and then we spent a quiet night at home, watching movies on TV and grilling for dinner.

J got up nice and early to hit the gym while I slept in and ran a few errands in the morning, complete with a Starbucks and doughnut run! I've really been meaning to get back in the swing of things with going to the gym after taking about a week off but I'll start today. (hopefully!) While my mom was in town we got our Save The Dates printed from Target (more details about those to come) and I picked up some clearance markers from Staples to address the envelopes with. 

I camped out on the couch when I got home to start the process of addressing the envelopes. I had to handwrite our address on the back of each envelope and make sure I had everything correct for the fronts. We have so many friends getting married this summer it was hard not to address these to "Mr & Mrs ____" already! J helped me stuff the envelopes and even did most of the licking for me. I can't stand the taste of envelope glue so he was a huge help!

Once they were all finished we took a lunch date to Panera and enjoyed the nice weather sitting on the patio as we ate. We ran a few other errands and came home for a relaxing day spent watching TV and reading my book.

Sunday morning was spent snuggling with my sweetest pup and then taking him to the vet for his annual check-up. This big boy weighs 88lbs now and just like always, all the staff at the vet commented on how sweet and calm he is.

We brough our boy home and headed out to lunch (again) but this time for good mexican. I always say I'm going to order something different but like usual I went with my favorite, the California burrito. I spent a little while working on application stuff when we got home but eventually gave up because I was uncomfortable. I've been using one of our kitchen chairs as a desk chair and it's just not the best so we headed to IKEA to fix the problem. One desk chair, a set of forks (we somehow always run out of them) and some new glasses later we were home drinking margaritas and assembling my chair. I thought I would get more work done but decided to make our favorite Spicy Shrimp recipe for dinner and call it a night.

J and I usually got to bed pretty early, I love my sleep and he gets up before 5am but last night was a little rough. Ollie always lays on the bed with us before we go to sleep and around midnight he ended up getting sick. We thought he was acting funny, then he suddenly started dry-heaving to which I pushed him off then bed (I feel bad about that but it had to be done) and we spent a good 30-45 min cleaning up and comforting our sick boy. We made him sleep in the guest bathroom and he seems to be doing okay today but we're going to take him back to the vet just to be sure.

THEN, around 3am, J and I woke up to the sound of animal screaming/fighting out our window. My first thought was a dog fight but after a while it seemed like something was being attacked. We have had an issue with possums and raccoons before and we think a neighbors dog was getting attacked. It was actually pretty scary because it sounded so violent! Needless to say we're both pretty exhausted this morning so hopefully Monday doesn't decide to be too difficult.


  1. Hey. Found you on Meg's Mingle Monday. I'm just starting out Blogging so I'm always looking for fun blogs and meeting people. Congratulations on the engagement and best of luck with all the details. I'll be a bridesmaid this summer for a good friend so I can only imagine all the details you need to cover. Take care.

  2. Sounds like a fab weekend :-) I also love the happily ever after stamp!! A little tip if you ever have lots of envelopes to seal...water and a paint brush haha!!

    Visiting from Mingle Monday and a new follower!

  3. Hope your Monday was good, get some rest! Here from Mingle Monday!

  4. Aww, you are engaged? Congratulations- what an exciting time! Enjoy it, because before you know it your married 5 years with a kid. It goes fast:-) Happy Monday!

  5. YAY for finishing your Save the Dates!! I love the Happily Ever After stamp/ sticker that is on the back! I hope Ollie boy is feeling better. Our boys get sick or don't feel good after they go to the vet too! They always tell us it has to do with their shots.

  6. your weekend sounds wonderful!! (Well except the last evening - hope your dog is doing okay!)



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