Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Baby H: Five Months of Mark


[+] weighs about 15lbs and is packing on the rolls!

[+] is in size 2 diapers and 3-6/6month size clothing but I have a sneaking suspicion we won't be in these sizes much longer.

[+] can officially roll front-to-back and it's now even more impossible to get tummy time in. Before he used to just wail any time we'd set him on his belly but now he fusses for a second and then flips himself over in no time. How this little boy is ever going to learn to crawl is beyond me since he refuses to stay on his belly now for any amount of time. But either way, yay rolling!

[+] had his first bites of real food and it was a huge success. We started with mashed up ripe banana mixed with breast milk. He didn't exactly know what to do with it in his mouth at first but after a few spoonfuls was opening wide and smiling having a grand old time. We started with just once a day and then moved to twice and he gobbles up what we give him. He's also tried sweet potatoes and there are carrots in the freezer and oatmeal in the pantry ready to try soon. Since I'm making it all myself I'm not positive how much he takes each time but I'd estimate about an ounce/half a normal baby food container. And he'd probably take more but that's just all we offer him at one time. What a fun adventure!

[+] nurses from me when he first wakes up, takes four 5oz bottles throughout the day and then gets a dream feed from me before J and I head to bed. I think the consistency of his feeds in the day is making a huge difference in his mood, his weight and his sleeping.

[+] is finally sleeping through the night again (knock on wood). We changed his schedule up a bit during the day as far as when he eats and sleeps and now that he's getting more ounces in the day-time he dropped the night feed all on his own. He goes to bed at 7:30, I dream feed him between 10:15/10:45 and he sleeps until at least 7 the next morning. Occasionally he'll wake in the middle of the night but usually just fusses/cries for a few minutes and puts himself back to sleep. We're all very, very happy about this!

[+] is accomplishing so many firsts on top of what I've already mentioned. He went on his first walk sans-carseat and loved sitting in the stroller like a big boy to watch as we walked. He sat in a high chair when J and I went to dinner and while it didn't last the whole meal it was definitely progress. He's been practicing sitting up and playing in his bouncer all by himself. And I'm not the least bit sad that he's growing up.

[+] nicknames are Marky, Boo and Love-B

[+] likes: mommy's milk from a bottle, dancing and music, his Gram & Grammy

[+] dislikes: burping, lotion on his chapped cheek, the wind in his face

[+] have so much less stress and anxiety related to breastfeeding and our sweet boy's growth and it has done wonders to my sanity. I'm planning a whole post specifically on our breastfeeding adventures (enthralling I know) but the short story is that he's been getting more formula while also getting breast milk too and he's growing like a weed and has a much happier momma. I still have a lot of guilt but it is much easier to handle knowing he's doing so well.

[+] miss being pregnant already. Ha! Thankfully I had a really easy pregnancy with Mark and while the end was uncomfortable, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I loved being responsible for growing someone who was half me and half J, what an incredible honor.

[+] am officially back to my pre-pregnancy weight. And without setting foot inside a gym, eating plenty of chocolate cake and basically just being a milk machine. I've always been blessed to not deal with weight issues but being back to that "starting line" sure does feel good regardless. My body is different now, without a doubt, but I've actually surprised myself with how accepting of it I am. I grew a human for crying out loud! The softness in my body is the last lingering sign of that accomplishment.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Five on Friday v7

Today I'm linking up with Christina from Carolina Charm for "Five on Friday" 
Check out the link up below.
[one] We're expecting anywhere from 9 to 18 inches of snow between now and Monday which will make this weekend an adventure. Hopefully it's less than that because blizzards are never fun but it wouldn't be too bad to have a good excuse to say in for at least a little while. I'm thankful that this storm is happening on the weekend when we don't have anywhere we HAVE to be but it would be nice to have some fun this weekend too. Let's see what mother nature has up her sleeve I guess. 

[two] I may or may not chop my hair some time soon. Thanks to breastfeeding my hair is thinner and falling out in clumps and I'm thinking it's in need of a change. Not that I actually take the time to fix it that often but when I do it makes me sad that my pregnant, thick, awesome hair is no longer. The reason I haven't bit the bullet yet is because I'm not sure if a new style/shorter do will actually help anyways. 
[three] Last night we took Mark and Ollie on a walk and for the first time ever we didn't take the car seat! On a whim we wondered if he was big enough to just sit in the stroller and low-and-behold he was. So we bundled him up in his bear suit (that he's normally too hot-bodied to wear), strapped him in and he loved it. He's always been wide-eyed and curious so being able to see everything was a great thing for him. I can't wait to do it again.

[four] Wednesday I got the chance to have some girl time and it was much, much needed. My group of med school ladies and I went out for wine and apps at a little wine bar in town followed by an afternoon showing of 50 Shades. It definitely wasn't my type of movie but it was my type of activity. Good friends, tasty treats and a few hours of relaxation was exactly what I needed. We said we would try to do it more often and I sure hope that happens. 
[five] Mark is in the "everything goes in my mouth stage" and it's quite funny sometimes. He's been chewing on his fingers and toys for a little while but now it's absolutely everything. The list of things to chew now includes his feet when he's sitting up, book pages while we're reading before bed and phones when we're taking selfies. He's growing and changing in rapid speed lately and it's so much fun.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

February Goals

Monthly goals intrigue me. Challenges for the upcoming 30 days, motivation to finish certain things, a way to keep track of everything you're up to. For some reason I feel like joining in the fun (or not so fun if I miserably fail) by giving myself just a handful of things to work towards for the rest of the month. And yes I realize it's halfway through already. I want to be more intentional with my free time and hopefully this helps.
Let's see shall we.....

[+] work on Mark's First Year photo book to be up to date. All the pictures are in place but there's lots of journaling and tweaking that needs to be done.

[+] keep nursing Mark before bed, in the middle of the night if he needs it, and at wake-up time while pumping for the rest of his feeds. Don't give up once there's enough milk in the freezer to get to 6 months. Keep that liquid gold coming.

[+] apply for a class representative position at school. It's about time I started getting involved. No more excuses of "its first year", "I'm pregnant", "I have a newborn".

[+] date my husband more. Hello permanent-baby-sitters also known as grandmas.

[+] take out my big-girl camera more often to take pictures of the babe. It only takes a matter of a few extra seconds to grab it from upstairs instead of just pulling out my phone but the picture quality is a thousand times better (see above!). Plus I need to get better shooting in manual mode and what better subject to photograph than my sweet boy.

[+] workout. In some way or form. Actually getting to the gym for some cardio, going to the basement to lift with J, yoga in the office when I have a few spare minutes. Anything.

Bring on the next few weeks!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Thankful v14

Lately I've been thankful...
[+] for this little boy, simple as that

[+] for sleep training and better nights all around
[+] for a husband who's always on my team and is my biggest fan

 [+] for a new dance partner and my favorite Disney tunes on repeat
[+] for spring-like weather in February and the wardrobe I get to wear again

 [+] for baby bears and FaceTime 
[+] for growth, in every sense of the word

[+] for his silly little personality that's starting to blossom 
[+] for small moments of goodness and being home for milestones 

  [+] for baby chub, leg rolls and cheeks I could kiss all day
[+] for so much less anxiety and stress in regard to raising this sweet boy

I sure am blessed. 
What are you thankful for today?


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