I cannot believe I am lucky enough to be in this place again, posting pregnancy updates and growing the newest member of our family in my belly. I absolutely love looking back at each week of my pregnancy with Mark and so while it might be more challenging this time around to stay on top of these posts, I'm doing to do my darnedest to give baby #2 the same amount of attention
So let's catch up shall we!
4 weeks: I still can't believe that I am so blessed to be starting another pregnancy already. Life is really just trucking along this week and being so busy makes me often forget that I'm actually pregnant. I did have to step out of an OR during my rotation this week because they brought in the X-ray machine and I just wasn't going to put myself and our little teeny babe at any risk, even under a lead jacket. You are far too precious little baby and momma's here to protect you forever.
5 weeks: I'm not sure if its from being a human incubator or from finishing my surgery rotation but I'm definitely getting more and more tired at the end of the day this week. I've also started watching my caffeine intake, limiting myself to what's considered safe, which could also be contributing. Otherwise I'm not having any obvious "I'm pregnant" feelings yet which also explains my neurotic testing again to make sure the two lines still showed up. My first doctors appointment for this new babe is officially scheduled and it's on Mark's first birthday. Life sure is crazy sometimes isn't it?!
6 weeks: For some reason it's been harder for me to keep this little babe a secret than it was the first time around. Only one of my girlfriends knows (partly because she's in the same boat as I am) but I keep finding myself thinking "no Jayme, don't say anything" when I want to spill the beans. My starting weight this pregnancy is about 5lbs higher than it was with Mark and so far it's holding steady. I've had occasional bouts of lightheadedness, nausea and a flushed feeling when I get too hungry so I've been carrying Justin's Almond Butter packets in my scrub pockets to whip out at a moments notice. Otherwise no other pregnancy symptoms so far. I did have my first "hunch" of what this babe's gender might be but again, I'm not telling!
7 weeks: Just like my first pregnancy, week seven brought with it the nausea! Thankfully I haven't actually gotten sick yet, again like last time, but it definitely isn't any fun to be stuck in an OR or a patient room as my head starts to spin, my stomach gets queasy and my saliva starts going like crazy. Keeping on top of hunger and hydration and carrying peppermint gum seems to do the trick for now. Looking back on my posts from last time made me realize my boobs haven't been sore AT ALL this time. Which on one hand is fantastic but on the other hand is tough when I'm already worried/anxious/convinced there's not actually a baby in there. Two more weeks till we get to take a peak and I can't wait.
8 weeks: Holy cow was this week loooong. I am at the stage where my exhaustion is at its peak. My work schedule makes it so I'm never home before 6ish so afternoon naps are out of the question making me fall asleep on the couch most nights shortly after Mark goes to bed (sorry hubs!). As far as other symptoms go my nausea has seemed to dwindle some the last few days (knock on ALL the wood), my boobs occasionally get a twinge in them and I'm thirsty all the time! I've started brainstorming potential ways of sharing our news with family and friends and think I have a few options depending on when we decide to announce. In all honesty, it might be the bump that dictates when we tell. I'm not sure it's staying hidden for much longer!
9 weeks: Dang you nausea! This week has definitely been the hardest and even involved vomiting in a tupperware in my car on my way to work. Yep, really. My nose also has kicked it up a notch in sensitivity which left me gagging in my mouth in the cafeteria with all my co-workers around and quickly darting out of a patient room because some smell set off my stomach. Here's hoping it goes away soon because it's hard to explain random vomiting without coming out about this babe. The end of this week held our first doctors appointment and everything is checking out perfectly! There's just one babe in there (thank goodness!), heart rate around 169 and everything else looking great.
10 weeks: This week has been so much better than the last few. My boys ended up with quite the tummy bug that I seemed to escape and am beyond thankful for that! At the beginning of the week I was still nauseous all day every day and even threw up a few times but then I remembered my doc suggested B6 & ginger. It's either a huge coincidence or man does that stuff help! I took both right when I got them and haven't felt nauseous since. Hallelujah! The belly is definitely growing and I honestly haven't stepped on the scale at all yet so I have no idea if I should be worried this thing will be massive by the end. We're in "figure out a way to tell our families" mode because I don't think I can hide it much longer.
11 weeks: We officially told our moms this week and it was so great spreading the news with them. With this belly of mine growing so quickly it's nice to have it out of the bag with the people we see the most. As an update from last week, it's definitely the B6 & ginger helping my queasiness as I skipped it a few days in a row and fell right back into the nausea. My energy "seems" to be getting better as I'm not exhausted every single day anymore. There are days where I feel great and then others where I'm beat but I'll take it for now. Surprisingly I'm having very few cravings this pregnancy, don't know if that's from being more busy and not having time to think about foods or what. I do sometimes get an idea in my head that I HAVE TO HAVE but the foods are never consistent day-to-day.
9 weeks: Dang you nausea! This week has definitely been the hardest and even involved vomiting in a tupperware in my car on my way to work. Yep, really. My nose also has kicked it up a notch in sensitivity which left me gagging in my mouth in the cafeteria with all my co-workers around and quickly darting out of a patient room because some smell set off my stomach. Here's hoping it goes away soon because it's hard to explain random vomiting without coming out about this babe. The end of this week held our first doctors appointment and everything is checking out perfectly! There's just one babe in there (thank goodness!), heart rate around 169 and everything else looking great.
10 weeks: This week has been so much better than the last few. My boys ended up with quite the tummy bug that I seemed to escape and am beyond thankful for that! At the beginning of the week I was still nauseous all day every day and even threw up a few times but then I remembered my doc suggested B6 & ginger. It's either a huge coincidence or man does that stuff help! I took both right when I got them and haven't felt nauseous since. Hallelujah! The belly is definitely growing and I honestly haven't stepped on the scale at all yet so I have no idea if I should be worried this thing will be massive by the end. We're in "figure out a way to tell our families" mode because I don't think I can hide it much longer.
11 weeks: We officially told our moms this week and it was so great spreading the news with them. With this belly of mine growing so quickly it's nice to have it out of the bag with the people we see the most. As an update from last week, it's definitely the B6 & ginger helping my queasiness as I skipped it a few days in a row and fell right back into the nausea. My energy "seems" to be getting better as I'm not exhausted every single day anymore. There are days where I feel great and then others where I'm beat but I'll take it for now. Surprisingly I'm having very few cravings this pregnancy, don't know if that's from being more busy and not having time to think about foods or what. I do sometimes get an idea in my head that I HAVE TO HAVE but the foods are never consistent day-to-day.
12 weeks: It seemed like this belly popped a few weeks ago but is staying pretty consistent now which is definitely a plus because I was nervous I'd be huge by spring. In the middle of this week I had what I believe was a stomach bug of some sort and it was horrible! I was at work, had to run out of a patient room to throw up in a trash can and ended up leaving early because I just couldn't shake it. With a prescription of Zofran (which I'm fine taking in moderate amounts), some Sprite and graham crackers I was thankfully able to rest and was feeling mostly better, yet drained, by the evening. It was pretty rough not feeling well on top of being pregnant and I'm nervous to go through the whole winter now.
Week 13 update coming soon!
Week 13 update coming soon!
I took B6 & Unisom throughout my entire pregnancy with Connor, and it was a major lifesaver! I tried to stop taking it 3 or 4 times, thinking I was over the vomiting phase, and each time I started throwing up 5+ times a day again. But the B6 & Unisom was really wonderful at decreasing the nausea (not totally fixing it, but a HUGE improvement!). I can't remember what the scientific reason was that my OB gave me, but there's something in the Unisom that helps activate the B6 (or vice versa), and it seemed to work really well for me! Might be something to try! :)