Monday, April 11, 2016

Baby H: Week 37 (time two)

Full term! Full term! Full term! And it feels fantastic. Baby boy we made it!

Thankfully this week I'm feeling relatively good and it was a quick 7 days. For as miserable as I felt the past few months it seems like things might be easing up on me the tiniest bit or maybe I'm just getting more used to it. There are still moments where I feel like I can't move my legs without pain in my pelvis but they're equalled by days that I feel great. My heartburn is still around but manageable, I have numerous new stretch marks on the underside of my belly and I keep getting weird twinges in my boobs that I can only assume are "growing pains". I've actually been having less contractions recently which is fantastic. I'm not sure if my body got sick of "practicing" or if it has to do with sitting around all day on my current rotation but I'll take it no matter what!

My doctor's appointment this week got a little goofed up as I was supposed to have my appointment plus an ultrasound for growth and positioning but they had to split up the two. So I only had my ultrasound which, lets be honest, is the more fun of the two parts by far! Little man is low low low which didn't surprise me and spent most of the time with his little fists in front of his face. His heartbeat was 140 and he's estimated to be 6#11oz (57th%) already. Everything with him that we could see checked out perfectly and he even flashed us a few smirks & grins making this momma fall even more in love with him already. 

We ended the week by getting our maternity/family pictures done. I wanted to get something scheduled asap since who knows when this boy is going to make his arrival which unfortunately meant it's an awkward season outside for pretty pictures. Things aren't quite blooming here yet but the pretty winter snow is also gone making for lots of dead sticks in most places. Our photographer had the great idea of doing more of a city/modern shoot which is so different than all the shoots we've done before so I'm so excited to see them! On our way home we stopped at a new burger place I've been wanting to try and unfortunately, while it was probably the best burger I've ever had, it did not settle well with me the next day. Picture vomiting in a tupperware in my drivers seat. Yeah, it was glorious and meant I got an extra day to my weekend as I couldn't make myself go into the hospital after that. 

In random news the last minute laundry (rock n play cover, boppy, etc) is now complete and so is the hospital bag minus the last minute items we'll grab the day of. I picked up a second mirror for my car to peak on BOTH my boys and while I was shopping I got the boys matching 4th of July shorts for the summer. Little brother's "Hello, my name is ___" onesie came in the mail and quickly got hidden from the eyes of the grandmas to be revealed once he's earthside. 

It still sometimes doesn't seem possible that I'm going to be a momma to two sweet, wild, handsome boys in such a short amount of time! As my second pregnancy comes to a close I'm feeling all the feels... Trying to savor the strong rolls and hiccups at 3am knowing this might be the last time I experience this. Loving on my first born the best I can before he becomes a big brother. Being nervous as all heck about going through labor again but also so anxious to kiss this boys sweet lips and hold him in my arms. Baby boy, you have 11 more days of cooking and then you're free to join our family! 

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