Monday, January 16, 2017

Baby H: Nine Months of Patrick


[+] weighs 21#2oz (71%) and is 28 inches long (25%) with a head of 45cm (44%). He's a pound less than Mark was at a year old and still such a shortie!

[+] is finally mobile and it's so interesting to see how different his "style" is compared to Mark. He is by no means a hands & knees type crawler, instead doing this funny army-crawl/drag himself across the ground move. He also learned to go from laying to sitting which has been interesting for naps and nighttime. A few times he's pulled himself up to standing but doesn't show any interest in taking steps yet. We're working with him with the walker toy and also with holding his hands to encourage some steps. 

[+] celebrated his first Christmas this month and it was so fun to get this experience with our second boy. He by no means "got it" like Mark is finally starting to but I'll cherish all these "firsts" forever regardless. 

[+] is seriously a horse when it comes to eating. For a while it seemed like we weren't giving him new things/more adult type foods I think because of his constipation issues and not wanting to make it worse. But now that we've resorted to more of a regimen of Miralax and different formula and he's going a bit more regularly, we've opened the flood gates for him and his food. And boy does it love it all. Recently he's tried... turkey lunch meat, pieces of tomatoes, whole pieces of toast, sausage filled lasagna, mini pancakes, pineapple and breakfast sausage. 

[+] doesn't really care too much to play with toys the same way Mark used to. Of course his favorite things to play with are the toys of Mark's he shouldn't have (i.e. puzzle pieces, Lincoln-logs, etc). He also isn't nearly as mouthy with everything like it seemed big brother was at this point. Who knows what that means about teeth I guess. He's also no nearly as paci-addicted either which could be a good thing.

[+] chats all day long and it's the sweetest sound. He's conquered a number of consonant sounds including da, ba, ga but of course, not ma yet! He also has the silliest growl that is so throaty it's hilarious. We're also working on sign language with him and so far the only thing that's "clicking" is that he gets super excited and almost dances when you say and sign "more". Seriously, this kid and food! 

[+] is officially on bottles all the time now. He gets 3 formula bottles a day and 1 breastmilk bottle because we're trying to get him on one bottle of breastmilk for as long as possible just like we did with Mark. He takes either 5 or 6oz depending on the time of day and it'll be interesting to see if this helps his early morning waking. 

[+] nicknames: Pat Pat, chunky monkey, baby bird

[+] likes: eating, pounding his hands on any surface, "chasing" his big brother

[+] dislikes: stopping eating, getting his face wiped, watching you leave the room


[+] am officially done nursing Pat and I am so sad about it. But an entirely different kind of sad that it was with Mark. I've loved nursing Pat and I'm really honestly going to miss it. Every day it was our special time together, time for me to relax and snuggle time, time for us to connect together. I know it was time because my supply just wasn't giving him what he needed anymore (and the 4-6am waking was proving that) but I'm still bummed it's over between us.

[+] will be pumping as much as I can in the next weeks to continue to put milk into the freezer for his once-a-day bottle because I know my milk is great for him. I do think some of my sadness from above is the idea of being connected to my pump all the time which isn't too bad when I'm gone during the day but is definitely more complicated when I'm at home. Feeding him a bottle then going to pump all while trying to play and be with both my boys. I think there's enough milk in the freezer right now to get him another month so I'm not too worried about it but I'm still going to give it my best effort.

[+] will be spending the next two weeks out of town (with the weekend between at home thank goodness!) as I complete my final audition rotation for residency programs and I can't even imagine how much I'm going to miss these boys of mine! The longest I've been away from any of them since Mark's been born has been two nights and I'll be doubling that this time around. Thankfully I'll be following this up with an entire month at home doing online classes so I'll get all the snuggles and play time and adventures I want but man, I didn't actually need absence to make my heart fonder for my guys.

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