Monday, April 30, 2018

Patrick Turns Two

Another year, another two year old! How is it even possible?
[+] weighs 28#3oz (53rd%) and is 36" tall (88th%) according to his well child check just the other day. I have a feeling they over measured him because he doesn't seem that tall to us but I haven't gotten around to remeasuring him at home.

[+] wears all things 2T and it's been so fun to see him wearing hand-me-down items that Mark used to wear. Granted we are conscious about buying him his own things, plus we just don't have enough right now, but seeing pictures of the two of them in the same outfit, two years apart, sure is sweet. He's in size 4 diapers and size 8 shoes. He's obsessed with socks and never wants to take his jammers off in the morning.

[+] is starting to have quite the attitude lately. I think part of it is possible new teeth and a yucky cold most recently, but overall he's starting to figure out the best way of getting his way. Ha. Sometimes the two boys will be playing together and Pat will just start screaming, for no reason at all. It's like he's used to us "running to his side" when Mark was previously just mean to him and that he'd get what he wanted. We've had to start consciously going into one of their feuds without instantly blaming Mark because now Pat's often equally to blame!

[+] is seriously talking up a storm! He strings together 5-7 word sentences and uses the silliest phrases sometimes. He willingly answers our questions and the best part has been his conversations with Mark. It seriously makes me well up with tears when I hear their little conversations in the other room as they're playing so nicely together.

[+] is starting to sing familiar songs, speaking of word growth, and it's so fun. I forgot how sweet it is to start hearing that little voice. His favorite songs are Hello by Adele, Cruise and Get Your Shine On by FGL, Happy by Pharrell and Red Ragtop by Tim McGraw. He constantly wants to "pick" the song off my phone and knows the album pictures for his favorites.
[+] goes to bed around 7:30pm (previously closer to 8pm but we noticed he wouldn't sleep as long in the AM) and wakes between 6&7am. The best part though is that we never have to get him before 7 because he's content talking and singing and rolling around in his crib until then. He takes a nap at the same time as Mark at 12:30 and sleeps 2-3hrs most days. He sleeps in a sleep sac still with his minky blanket, his silk blanket, his "baby" which is an elephant head on a mini blanket. His duck is also always in his crib and most of the time his panda too. Our boys sure love their lovies!

[+] still battles with constipation issues and is still getting daily Miralax to help fight it. This kid just does not like to drink anything so I have a feeling hydration is a huge part of it. Plus that makes it hard to know if he's really getting his full dose of medicine or not. Recently I've started giving him dried prunes as a "treat" and he already knows "them make Pat poop!".

[+] is totally into imaginative play and it's the cutest! He holds his hand or some rectangle shaped item to his head and says "Hew-oo, hew-oo momma!". He's constantly pretending to eat and drink and offering the same to Mark, us, his stuffed animals, etc. He makes the silliest chomping and slurping sounds to go with it. Any time he rides on a truck or bike he's always saying "beep beep, honk honk" if something's in his way.

[+] absolutely loves his brother Mark and is still the biggest momma's boy around. He's always wanting to be with Mark, looking for Mark when they're not together, telling Mark night night and love you. He throws the biggest fits when Daddy tries to take him to bed yelling "momma take you" which I know is devastating to J but I love it at the same time. He "nuggles" when we're watching movies and refuses to walk down the stairs himself if I'm there to carry him.
Things Pat says...
- What color is it... "green, no purple, no blue, black!"
- Everything is double. "Chippy chip. Drinky drink. Snacky snack."
- "I do it mine self"
- "Hurry up Ma-key! Eat it all up!"
- Unprompted sometimes as he's eating a meal "tank you cookin, momma/daddy."
- When he doesn't want a diaper change "still more poop is coming."
- "Give it to me right now"

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