Friday, May 4, 2018

Five on Friday v9

[one] Our boys are becoming the best of little friends and it is seriously magical! They can sometimes be found playing kitchen and making each other food or running wild through the house pretending to be race cars. Basically anything Mark says we hear repeated a few seconds later by Pat. And then of course there are a fair number of brother fights over wanting the same toy or being hit in the head by something with wheels. All in the name of siblings I suppose. 

[two] I have a much needed three day weekend coming up, no call shift Saturday or Sunday and took a personal day on Monday, and I seriously can. not. wait! I have been saving up my personal days since I have two littles at home who could need me to be home at any time but as the year is nearing the end, I wanted to make sure I didn't lose them in the process. So we will be celebrating all weekend long!
[three] And speaking of celebration, J's birthday is on Monday and we're hosting a little get together after a round of golf on Sunday. Two foursomes for 18 holes while the boys and I party prep at home for more celebration afterwards. On the menu is a delicious Taco Bar complete with queso and guac. And margaritas, obviously! Now to get all the details together! 

[four] J and I have recently spruced up our basement with workout equipment. We have had our weight set/bench for a while that is mostly J's arena but I occasionally use the weights too. Recently however we added a dip/pull up rack and a new treadmill with a whole new area of mats and a TV set up.  To hold myself accountable, I'm trying to run 30 miles during the month of May in an effort of being healthier and losing some weight. Meals are hard for me as I'm often running through the hospital and grabbing whatever I can get ahold of so figured increasing my exercise, specifically my cardio, was a reasonable change I could implement. Wish me luck! 
[five] J and I have a vacation planned for this summer to the Windy City of Chicago. And by planned I mean we have flights and a hotel room and zero plans otherwise. I'm pretty Type-A and usually have our trips booked to the minute but I'm actually thinking I don't want any specific plans for this trip. Just a fly by the seat of our pants, do whatever feels right and sporadic type of trip. Especially since the boys aren't coming with us. Must haves are views of the lake, pizza and tasty drinks and a museum or two. Any thing we definitely can't miss? 

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