Something you hate about yourself
I hate that:
* I haven't been able to motivate myself to take time to go to the gym lately. I feel like a slob. We've been eating out a lot and not eating very healthy at home either and it just puts my whole body in a funk. I think gym time needs to go back up higher on my priority list.
* I don't have a ton of money to update my wardrobe like I wish I could. I'm in desperate want (not need) of a shopping spree. Some new jeans, a handful of flowing or knit or floral or anything from Forever 21 tops, some cute new heals or boots.... stop me I'm drooling.
* I can't figure out if I want real bangs, side bangs or no bangs. I always feel like I want whichever I don't have... ain't that the truth for life though? I hope that I'll be happier with my hair once it grows a little more and it's out of this awkward partly-grown-out-but-not-quite-enough stage.
* I haven't heard back about any interviews yet. As if the stress from school and secondaries I haven't finished yet isn't enough I hate the waiting game even more. Why does it have to be such a tough process?
* it feels nothing like fall around these parts lately. I know, I know, I live in San Diego but come ooooon. It was 100+ just a week ago so this coming week of 70's in the forecast is looking mighty pleasing. I'm not wanting to wear boots and scarves and jackets yet but it'd be nice to be able to wear pants at least.
* my puppy is getting so big. He is 4 months and 1 week old and weighs 52.2 lbs according to our "super accurate" measuring techniques aka Jeff weighs himself and then holds Ollie and weighs again.
* I can't be the one to weigh Ollie anymore. I seriously can't lift and hold him for more than up onto the bed. Another reason for me to get back to the gym? I think so.
* my hair isn't as curly as it used to be. I really have to work to get the natural, beachy-look these days and I think it's effecting my hair's ability to hold any style now too.
* I've been so MIA from blog land lately. I feel like I haven't even been keeping up on reading other people's blogs let alone posting anything for myself. And the worst of it all is that I don't really have a good excuse this time. So I'd like to say that I love anyone and everyone that is still reading my blog and I appreciate all your comments and love and mentions and everything. I promise I'll be better.
I hear ya on the bangs. It's hard to pick, & then once you decide, you realize you would have liked something better...or so you think.
ReplyDeleteI was just in a real blog-funk myself, & the 30 day MEme has really helped. Even if you can't do it everyday, it at least gives you a long list of topics.
I've been the same way about exercising. I worked my butt off to be as skinny as possible for my wedding in June, and then I just stopped. And started baking. So now I am trying to get back into running... but without the wedding goal, I'm not so motivated.
ReplyDeleteDitto on the bangs... I'd like them, but it took me years to grow them out, so I don't want to cut my hair for them again. Too bad we can't find "fake" ones that look real!
ReplyDeleteSame goes for exercising! I MUST do it, but just can't seem to get around to it.
Same for blogging, too. I've not been terribly consistent either.
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