It's about time that I got caught up on reading all the blogs that I've missed. I thought I had been doing at least a decent job.... then I realized only yesterday that I had been tagged by Nikki at The Fashionable Wife in a game of getting to know me almost two weeks ago!
Bad blogger friend, Jayme, bad!
So with that said here's how to play. Nikki asked everyone she tagged 8 different questions. To play, you respond to these 8 questions about yourself and then make 8 of your own questions. To pass it along you're supposed to tag 8 other bloggers and the game continues.
However, considering I'm a little pressed for time this morning (Ochem studying beckons) I'm just going to tag anyone and EVERYONE who wants to play! I'd love to read about all of your lives so let me know if you end up playing along.
1. What is your favorite book?
Currently I am loving The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo series. I just finished the first book and can't wait for my mom to get here for Thanksgiving to let me borrow her copy of the second. But my all time favorite book has to be Like Water For Chocolate by Laura Esquivet. It's about a young girl in a big family and is filled with love, romance, heartbreak and recipes!

2. How did you meet your significant other?
J and I met when we were both working at the same outdoor pools for the summers while I was still in high school. I started life-guarding there the summer after sophomore year and we knew each other my first summer at the pools. However, we didn't really get to know each other too well for the first couple years I worked there. It wasn't until the summer after my senior year that we really hit it off. I had been moved to a different facility and he happened to take a sub-shift there one day. One thing led to another, I happened to secretly put my phone number in his phone (total high school move I might add), he called, we went out and have been together ever since!
3. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I've been fortunate enough to do a bunch of traveling with my family to different islands (like Antigua) because we all love to scuba dive. However, and this is not to say that I don't love the beach and pina coladas and warm weather, I would absolutely love to go to Ireland and/or Italy. And a special note is that I want to go there (or anywhere) with J and J only. I love my family but I'd love to travel with him more.
4. What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
I love being crafty and I love having something to work on that's fun. Whether it's knitting a blanket, putting pictures in frames, making embroidery-floss bracelets, using my new sewing machine (that hasn't gotten nearly enough use yet) or anything else, I'll sit and do it for hours. J's family has a tradition to make homemade gifts for Christmas and I can't wait to get started making mine. I've been doing a few fun things around our apartment that I'll be sharing soon.
5. If you didn't have to worry about money, what would be your dream job?
My dream job happens to be what I'm working on attaining. I want to be a Doctor. Specifically what kind of doctor I don't know yet but I'm sure I'll find my place once I manage to get into medical school. Now if only money really wasn't an issue and paying to send my AMCAS application and secondaries didn't leave my bank account with a sad face. Anyone care to lend me a few hundred dollars?
6. What is one thing that never fails to make you feel better after a long or hard day?
There are many things that belong in this category so I'll list a few.
- Coffee. At any time of day. And specifically, it makes my day 100 times better if I'm able to sit inside a Starbucks and enjoy the time without having to run here or study this or take care of that. But either way, give me a cup of Joe (like a Toffee Mocha) and I'll be happy.
- Clean sheets. I absolutely love getting into bed when it's brand new, folded nicely, and fresh as can be.
- Snuggling of any sort. Whether it's with J or with Ollie being able to shut my mind off for just a min and relax being with someone I love is such a blessing. My days lately have been so crazy and constantly thinking about something/stressing about something else/trying to do ten things at once, that I appreciate the down time I have even more.
7. What is your favorite thing to cook/bake? Or what is your best recipe?
I love to make anything dessert related. Whether it's cookies, or cakes, or pies etc etc I absolutely love it. Baking Christmas cookies is one of my favorite parts of the whole year as a matter of fact. This whole love may or may not have to do with my love for eating these items after they're done. ;-) To answer the second question, my favorite/best personal recipe has to be my Chili. I've changed the original recipe enough to be able to consider it my own and it always makes me happy to see J enjoy is so much.
8. What is your favorite thing in your closet? What is the one fashion thing you want the most?
I have a dress that I really enjoy wearing but find myself forgetting about it from time to time. It's super comfortable and casual, made of sweatshirt material, has pockets and a hood and looks good paired with my traditional navy Keds. I also adore my newest pair of American Eagle jeans, my tie-dye t-shirts, and my ArcTeryx jacket.
Here are my questions for anyone else who wants to play.
1. Do you live in/near the town where you grew up? Why did you leave/what made you stay depending on your first answer?
2. Which chore around the house do you not mind doing and which do you absolutely hate?
3. What was the most recent movie you saw in the theaters?
4. Who in your family do you look most alike? Or do you not look like anyone?
5. Which would you choose/do you like more: cake or pie? Fruits or veggies? Coke or Pepsi?
6. What was your favorite part about high school?
7. What is one of your guilty pleasures?
8. If you could be any TV show character who would you be and why?
(These questions are fun enough I might have to make a post with my own answers)
I hope you've enjoyed getting to know me a little more and I'm glad I got to play along. Thanks Nikki!
Totally random but...I LOVE your freckles. I want some. Wish I had them :)
ReplyDeleteYou're adorable.