+ J and I started dating the summer of 2007, right after my senior year of high school. But we had actually known each other for some time before. I believe we first met the summer of 2005 while we were both working at the same out door pool. It was actually the pool (we were both lifeguards) that brought us together in 2007.

+ We are both from
Colorado and actually share the same hometown. We cherish the change in weather there, enjoy both the snow and the sun, get to spend quality time with both our families easily and love our vacations home.

+ We had only been together 2 short months before I
moved away for school to San Diego. We spent a year of long distance dating, flying back and forth, talking on the phone/iChat, missing each other like crazy. J would fly out for weekends to visit me in the dorms and we'd spend hours taking goofy PhotoBooth pictures while loving the time together. After the first year was done, J moved to San Diego with me and we've loved having an
apartment together.
+ J loves diet pepsi and I love cupcakes.
(Or maybe it's the other way around?) We swear we're the same person sometimes and it didn't take long for us to realize how special our love was.

+ We both love country music, in fact, our
first date was country line dancing at a bar back home. J says he stole my heart with his sweet dance moves, I sometimes agree :-) The pictures above were taken at the Rascal Flatts concert and the Jason Aldean concert.

+ We also both love
adventure and sport. Whether it's kayaking in the ocean in La Jolla, climbing Mt. Cowels in San Diego, waterskiing on a lake in Colorado, skiing the Rocky Mountains or playing tennis at home we love being outdoors together.

+ There are things about us that you'd never guess. Like that J can make a mean quesadilla or buffalo chicken pizza
(while wearing my apron, sorry babe!) or that I'd pick up a frog around a campfire. We're a one of a kind couple, that's for sure.

+ We love being goofy together and we're actually more silly than we are serious on a daily basis. We love playing jokes on each other, like that one time I gave J only ONE shoe for Christmas. But when all is said and done, we love each other with our whole hearts.

+ Speaking of love, in
July 2010 we added to our little family with our
fur baby Ollie. He has completed our little life and we both love him to pieces. It's been quite a bonding experience trying to raise a little guy into a loyal and well behaved pup but I'd say we did a good job.

+ J and I took our first
big vacation in January 2011 to
Oahu, HI and it was a trip of a lifetime. We'd taken smaller trips before, like to
San Clemente, Phoenix and obviously back to CO but this Hawaii vacation was by far the best vacation week ever.

+ When J and I first started realizing that this relationship was going to be for the long haul, J decided it was perfect timing for him to apply to the master's program at SDSU and think about moving to San Diego with me. Well three years later, this past May, we both
graduated from SDSU. It was a huge day for both of us individually as well as for our relationship and the accomplishments we've had together along the way.
+ We are a competitive couple who loves to win, keep each other on our toes, and push each other to be better people. I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend, best friend, or soul mate. He motivates me, supports me, loves me, cherishes me, laughs with me, grows with me and is everything I could have wanted.
I love you J. Happy [almost] Anniversary!