We are so excited that the news is finally out about our sweet bun in the oven. This blog might be filled to the brim with all things baby in the coming weeks as I play catch up on all that's been happening.
Sorry I'm not sorry!
To start, here's a look back on weekly updates since we first found out the awesome news!
4 weeks: That beloved plus sign is as bright as ever!!! We're officially knocked up! Photo taken January 19th, 2014. Baby is a sweet little ball of cells and I think it's making momma is a bit more tired than normal. The tiredness could be from baby or from the cut back on caffeine along with the start of school, I'll never be sure. I've been CHUGGING water as I can't seem to quench my thirst lately and definitely have dry skin and lips too. Starting weight is 125lbs and I'm already a bit anxious about how that's going to quickly start changing. We are SO thrilled to have this little peanut growing away in there and still can't believe that it's really happening.
5 Weeks: baby is about the size of an orange seed and momma is obsessed with orange juice which might be because I'm getting sick of drinking water but the thirst still continues. This week happened to bring with it sore boobs and complete EXHAUSTION. Seriously, I napped most days this week and still felt run down. I'm definitely missing the ability to chug coffee like I used to. (and I apologize for the sad/not put together photo but that's what happens when you're tired and it's the day before an exam) I'm also missing booze already (yep, not too sure what that says about me) but I think it's because my birthday is coming up as well as football parties and all I want is a glass of wine or a dark beer. Our first doctors visit is set for the end of February right before our trip to Mexico and we are anxiously awaiting a peak at our sweet little thing. Photo taken at 5w0d.
6 Weeks: baby is growing away in there and momma has been feeling pretty good. Nothing too new symptom wise has popped up this week as the thirst, dry skin, sore boobs and need for a nap every afternoon are still in full swing. This week I surprised my best ladies at school with the huge news (complete with cupcakes) and they are all thrilled and excited for Baby H. This week also meant my entire med school class found out about the bun in the oven (more on that to come) which made me a little nervous since it's so early still. I finally got back to the gym over the weekend as exhaustion has kept me away. I took it easy on the treadmill and ended up leaving early because of my first bout with nausea. Thanks for letting momma know you're in there little one! Photo taken at 6w0d.
7 Weeks: baby is the size of blueberry and momma feels like she's on a boat some days. Like clockwork nausea seemed to kick in for real this week and while I never actually got sick (yet, fingers crossed) it's definitely hard to pay attention in class or get too much work done while feeling queasy all day. Thanks to some ginger beer (like ginger ale) or Squirt and small snacks it usually went away easily. Here's to hoping this is as bad as it gets. With some coupons from Target I've officially purchased a few maternity tops (a classic tee and a tank) that I'm sure I'll be using a ton this summer. They've made me excited for the future baby bump that I keep imagining is starting to show up already but is actually just lunch. Here's hoping the two pounds I've gained aren't just extra weight and that bump starts to show up soon! Photo taken at 7w0d.

8 Weeks: baby is growing and momma feels like poo! Hello nausea, nice to see you almost every day. My "morning sickness" isn't always in the morning and sometimes lasts into the late afternoon. It's triggered by hunger, drinking too much water without eating anything, and smells. Ohhh the bloodhound nose I have right now. Somehow the combination of eating frosting combined with J sitting next to me drinking a Pepsi had me smelling espresso? Not sure how that one worked. And I officially threw up for the first time after being woken in the middle of the night thanks to a lovely dog fart that had me gagging. I wish I was joking. Throw in a super long week at school, the presence of exhaustion still and plenty of headaches and it's been a rough week. I already feel bad for J and my crazy emotions/needs/general pregnant state. Hey, at least my boobs are less sore? Trying to find the silver lining where I can. Photo taken at 8w0d.
9 Weeks: baby is either the size of a green olive, kidney bean, southern pecan or gummy bear (depending on which pregnancy app I use) and momma couldn't be happier. This week I had way fewer symptoms, much less nausea, only needing a nap some days, and just a generally more happy self. We also had our very first doctor's visit including an ultrasound and it was such a joy to see our little nugget, it's flickering heart beat measuring at 180 and even some tiny limb bud movement. I didn't want it to end! After getting measurements from the doctor, we realized babe is the same size as a Sour Patch Kid which I've been eating like crazy this week along with anything cheesy (which is totally unlike me). I'm starting to get to the "she must have had too many burritos lately" stage making jeans and tops fit differently but hey, I couldn't be more excited to grow this little one. We're headed to Mexico for a week and this momma cannot wait to relax! Photo taken at 9w0d.
10 Weeks: baby is back in the USA after a fantastic first trip to Mexico for him/her and momma is so thankful that the weeks are flying by. I was a bit nervous traveling outside of the country with our little one and thankfully had no serious symptoms other than needing to get to bed early and having a tendency to get overheated quicker than before. The nausea stayed in the USA! Naps and virgin drinks by the pool were just what this momma needed along with a bit of a tan, of course. Over the last week or so I've started to notice the belly beginning to change and I'm hoping it's more baby-bump than constipation-bloating (TMI, sorry). We surprised the soon-to-be grandmas with our big news the weekend we got back and sharing this with them was so special. Photo taken at 10w0d.
Current 13 Week update will be coming soon!
I love how everyone apologizes about the baby posts. No need to apologize, its your blog and you're embarking on a great adventure!
ReplyDeleteStopping by from Mingle Monday!
SO exciting!!! You look fabulous, and not pregnant AT ALL (I don't know if I am offending you, but I don't mean to!). I love all of your picture updates.
ReplyDeleteYou look adorable! You won't really start showing until after 22ish weeks (you're small like me). I remember doing the gender reveal and thinking I was showing and looking back at photos like, nope. Congratulations! Where does all this baby news fit in with all your schooling and such?