It's officially been 100 days! And what a ride it's been!
The seasons have changed from winter to spring and then back to winter with a late snow storm.
J and I enjoyed many tasty treats and beverages.
We went on a fantastic Mexico vacation with some of our best friends for spring break.
Our O-dog has been nothing but his usual sweet self, bringing us so many smiles.
I've survived almost another semester of medical school and almost an entire first year.
We've shared the news about our bun in the oven, watched my belly grow and learned that we'll be having a son.
I can't wait to see what's in store for the next hundred days!
Days 81-100
To see the entire
100 Days of Happiness Project
view them here
Days 1-16
Days 17-32
Days 33-48
Days 49-64
Days 65-80