Another one bites the dust, another week that is. Why is it that summer break weeks seem to be so much shorter than weeks during the rest of the year, seriously! This week baby boy attended two BBQs in our backyard with lots and lots of friends and pork from the smoker. He "helped" the girl's team win in yard pong by helping me not "throw like a girl" (I think the boys were just bitter we beat them!) He attended his first concert with my mom and I. He was the only man allowed at some bachelorette party festivities downtown on Saturday night. He wiggled and squirmed like crazy during my first prenatal massage. And I absolutely love having his company every day.
I've been feeling really great and it's such a blessing. Extra dry skin and lips have been a bit annoying lately but I'm trying to keep myself hydrated as much as possible and always have chapstick near by. My belly is definitely growing by the minute it seems and unfortunately that means so is my weight. As long as my doctor doesn't say anything about it I'm trying not to think into it too much but being up 18lbs already and still having a whole trimester to go, I sometimes can't help but want to quit eating all together. The one plus side to it all is that I have yet to see any stretch marks of any sorts yet and I am so thankful for that. My belly button is officially in creepy-land and moves in and out if I take big breaths or laugh really hard. I'm terrified of the outie I don't think I'll be able to avoid like I hoped. I've also started getting what I think is a bit of acid reflux. I've never had it or heart burn before but have noticed if I lay down too soon after eating that I get a strange burning/gagging feeling in the back of my throat that's just plain uncomfortable. It might be time to buy some Tums.
I've been loving the weather lately and the fact that it means maxis are the perfect outfit choice now. I think I was a bit naive about how my body would be changing thinking I could get away with wearing a lot of what was in my closet already but thankfully maxis and long tanks seem to be my saving grace. On a normal day-to-day basis I haven't had too many struggles finding an outfit that's casual to hang out in but it's definitely getting more tricky when I need to be dressed up. We have a wedding to go to this coming weekend and I have no idea what I'll wear since most of my dresses that still fit aren't formal enough for an event like this. Fingers crossed my closet spits out a dress I forgot I owned otherwise J might not be too pleased with a shopping trip in the near future.
In other random news, I've been craving cereal and iced tea like whoa this week. A whole pitcher of tea and a box of Captain Crunch within a few days seemed like the best idea ever. We finally have new carpet upstairs now which means nursery progress is on the forefront and I can't wait! One of the most exciting parts from this week was getting started with baby shower planning with my mom. We officially have a date for the end of July, invites should be going in the mail by the end of the week and I'm just about done with all the finishing touches on our registry. Can't wait to celebrate this little man who just swiftly kicked me straight in the ribs.
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