Wathcing: lectures upon lectures upon lectures. I'm spending my spring break making up some material I missed while on maternity leave in September which means instead of sitting in class learning (or better yet, sitting on the beach somewhere drinking something yummy) I'm at my desk.
Listening: see watching above. But also lots of music throughout the day. We're making a bigger effort to keep the TV off and putting on music instead and focusing on each other. Whether it's Disney tunes to dance around the kitchen with the babe to, country jams to have playing in the background during dinner or some classic James Taylor when I'm feeding Mark, all the extra music makes me happy.
Loving: the warmer weather we've been having lately. Yesterday we took the babe and O-dog on a walk to the park in our neighborhood and put Mark in the swing for the first time. He was smiling ear to ear the whole time and I can't wait to make it a habit to get out there more as the summer approaches. Also dinners on the patio, warm evenings hanging out in the cul-de-sac, shorts and sandals. Come on spring, I'm ready for ya!
Hating: surprisingly nothing at the moment. Sure this isn't exactly how I would like to be spending my spring break but really it's not that bad. I get to see my baby each day, I'm crossing things off my to-do list and I'm getting enough sleep. Really life is good right now.
Drinking: coffee. I found K-cups that are from Starbucks and they're cinnamon dolce flavored and just heavenly! I seriously don't know why they would even sell them because they're just as good as the ones from the store but a box of 12 costs less than two lattes would. They're my new favorite and I'm obsessed.
Needing: a shower. A manicure. Some free time. A glass of water. More diapers for the babe. To finish making green bean puree. A hug from my hubs.
Feeling: at ease, which is saying a lot for me. Just last week I was stressed to the max with school. Just a month or so ago I was feeling like a failure of a mom. Since Mark has been in our lives our marriage has had some tough times. But right now I feel good, I feel happy, I feel content and it sure feels nice.
Mark is such a cutie! And your needing list sounds like mine!