Today I'm linking up with Christina from Carolina Charm for "Five on Friday"
Check out the link up below.
[one] We officially found out that we will be staying put for the next two years of school. Years 3 & 4 involve clinical rotations and our school has many different "regions" where students rotate. Majority of the spots are located where we want to be but there just aren't enough for everyone in the class. The selection process is purely lottery based and I am so relieved that we don't have to move, don't have to find childcare or that I don't have a ridiculous commute. Three cheers for Denver rotations!
[two] Mark is getting baptized this coming Sunday and I'm really looking forward to the day. J's mom has the baptism gown J, his sister and their cousin's were all baptized in and brought it over a few weeks ago for us to try on. Unfortunately it doesn't quite fit (they were all baptized at younger ages) so he won't be wearing it on the big day but I was able to snap a few pictures when we played dress up and have to say he's a pretty cute baby. Even if he does look like a girl!
[three] I'm thinking about doing Whole30 sometime in the next few months because I just want to start feeling "better". I'm not all that interested in losing weight because of it but that would be a major plus. I simply don't have the time to get too involved in working out right now between the end of school and studying for boards and so I figured this was a good option. I have to eat so why not try something like this. I'm just trying to figure out when because I know it'll take a bit more prep and thought than my current diet and I don't want all that responsibility to fall on J to cook for me. He's awesome about dinners but I know I'll have to more diligently plan breakfasts and lunches instead of grabbing a quest bar or a frozen burrito before I head out the door. Has anyone done it with good success?
[four] My baby has a tooth! After what has seemed like months of endless drool, constant chewing and lots of wondering when it would actually show up, his bottom left tooth finally popped through on Tuesday. I knew they were making some serious movement the week or so leading up to it as he was extra fussy, waking more than usual in the night and his gums were changing daily. And there it was just poking through with all it's little ridges and sharpness. Ha! I have a feeling it's pair isn't far behind.
[five] From the beginning we've been pretty structured with raising Mark. We follow Baby Wise for his eat/wake/sleep cycles, he eats and naps at specific times during the day, we put him in his crib drowsy but awake and did some sleep training with him a few months ago. Overall it's worked wonderfully for our family and little boy but every now and then I get sad that I don't get very much "cuddle time" with him because of it. Well a week or so ago I ended up holding him for the last 30 min of his nap thanks to extra fussiness from shots/teeth and it was heavenly. While I do love that we're all able to put him down throughout the day, I cherish the rare moments of his breath on my chest too.
We have followed Baby Wise as well, and am glad we did as our little one can fall asleep really anywhere. But, I do miss the times when he would fall asleep in our arms. What sweet moments when he does though!