Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Baby H: Week 21 (times two)

This week was a big one in that it held our long awaited anatomy scan. Ultrasound days are by far my very favorite, getting a peak at the babe in my belly is always such a treat and this one was no exception.

Babe was quite the bundle of energy during the whole scan which made it so much fun. The scan started with baby's head under my left ribs and within ten min had totally flipped head down. I felt all the movements as this little one was trying to escape the probe and stay hidden but we thankfully got a look at everything we needed. There was one point where the tech had the screen filled with fluid and rapid fire feet kept popping into the screen all over the place! Heart beat was 145 which is only one off from Mark's at this point which I thought was fun. We confirmed my suspicion that my placenta is posterior this time since I've been feeling this baby way more (and much earlier) than I did with Mark. And as odd as it sounds we were thrilled that this one is measuring smaller than big brother, right around 60th percentile.

As far as momma goes I'm up about 13-14lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight which is close to what it was last time but it feels like this bump is waayyyy bigger this time around. I have two pairs of maternity jeans (one skinny rolled pair from Old Navy and one pair of jeggings from Gap) that I basically live in and thankfully have a good mix of non-maternity tops and sweaters to mix in with my maternity pieces making getting dressed fairly easy. I have a couple outfits planned particularly for the festive holiday nights and our anniversary which is making me feel great self-confidence wise instead of enormous. I'm trying to avoid wearing my leggings and more comfy dresses for a while since I found myself so sick of the few things I could actually fit in at the end of pregnancy. In other news my SI joint on my right side has been literally killing me lately and I'm getting the odd stretching sensation where my belly button ring used to be that I had with Mark too. My appetite is starting to reach teenage boy status which is perfect for the upcoming holidays I'm just hoping I don't feel to miserable yet after stuffing myself.

And finally we have made some big decision with the nursery/Mark's new room and hope to make some good progress before I go back into rotations. We decided to get the new baby a brand new crib and mattress and have Mark keep his own but the rest of the nursery furniture will stay for the new baby. We went and ordered Mark's new chair and dresser for his big boy room and unfortunately they will take longer to come in than I thought they would. Because of this we might not end up moving him as soon as I thought we would but I'm excited to start working on the decor items for the new nursery after the madness of Christmas is over. I've picked out a color scheme and have a good idea of what items I want to get for our new little one's space.

And because I'm picture obsessed but ultrasounds are all I have of this new babe, here's our comparison shot including the most recent profile. New sweet lips to smooch on in 4ish months!

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