Sunday, March 27, 2016

Baby H: Week 35 (times two)

Another week (and bump picture) with snow on the ground and goodness sakes is this momma sick of it. I was curious how it would be being pregnant in essentially the opposite time of year with this babe compared to Mark and realized a few months ago that I'd gladly take the seasons of spring into summer than fall into winter. I know it seems odd as most ladies avoid being pregnant in the dead of summer but I'd take that over winter any day. It's been harder to dress this bump for cold weather, my coats no longer zip, my belly often feels constricted with all the layers and waistbands, I have to wear socks and shoes more often, I feel larger without some color to my skin, etc etc etc. Can you tell I'm ready for spring weather to stick around?!

After my last doctors appointment that included a cervical length check I was on a high because I had a few days of feeling great. I don't know if it was in my head because I officially knew everything was okay or if something being "near" my cervix made it "lift" but it seriously seemed like I had a new pelvis. Then I got hit by a truck and had one of the worst days I've had yet. Since then things have been fine, nothing great nothing horrible which I'll take because dang am I sick of complaining. I think my better mood might also be coming from some better sleep recently. It's been weeks since I've found myself awake for hours and for that I am so thankful. Plus my heart burn seems to be stable which I've been nervous about. I figured since it came on so much earlier this time, it would be that much worse at this stage but it's not and I'm thrilled. I even had Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner and only needed two Tums in the middle of the night! 

In other updates, we are officially registered at the hospital to make check in come baby-time that much quicker. I've finally gotten in contact with our photographer and am hoping to get our session scheduled with her in two weeks and I'll be calling the spa later today to set up my massage. I did the load of laundry that has all of baby boys new clothes (seriously preppy baby shorts and polos in mini size are the cutest things ever, I totally don't need a girl!), his coming-home outfit as well as all the hand-me-downs from big brother I can't wait to see our second boy wearing. The car seat base has been re-installed in my car ready to hold a backseat of boys and J and I have started discussing middle names but haven't decided anything yet. 

We celebrated Easter, our last holiday as a family of three, over the weekend and it's crazy to think the next holiday will include our newest boy. We spent the day with multiple family get togethers, naps in the afternoon, way too much food and a smashed toddler finger (oops!) but it really was a great day. I love holidays and festivities so my mind kept wandering to next Easter, picturing both boys in collared shirts, toting around their personalized baskets, dominating the fruit salad at brunch. Then my mind wandered to the margarita, lets be honest multiple, that I'll be enjoying for Cinco de Mayo after this baby is born at our next holiday celebration. Oops! 

Between 4 and 5 weeks till we meet you sweet baby and this momma can't wait!

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