[+] weighs 11#15.5oz (41%) and is 22 in (10%) long with a head of 39cm (45%). It's very baffling to J and I why both our boys are shorties since neither of us are "short" (I'm 5'4") or come from short families.
[+] has a little bit of a flat spot on one side of his head we need to keep an eye on. He prefers to lay looking right and the way J and I both holds him promotes him laying on that same spot too but luckily it's nothing too bad. He also has a bit of an umbilical hernia which I noticed even before our doctor confirmed it (and you can see it in the above picture). Again, thankfully, it's nothing to be concerned about now and we'll discuss it if it doesn't close by the time he's 4 years old.
[+] switched to size 1 diapers around 6 weeks because he was consistently blowing them up and it seemed like they were getting too tight around his belly. We're definitely a Huggies family around here. He also moved into 0-3 month clothing right around the same time and it seemed like both transitions literally happened overnight. This boy is definitely getting big fast it seems!
[+] has started social smiling and it's the best thing ever! And he's not stingy with those gummy grins either. Momma, Daddy, Mark, both grandmas.... it doesn't take much to get some good ones from this happy boy. He's also started to find his voice and Grammy said she heard him giggle in his sleep once!
[+] had a bout of what I think was foremilk-hindmilk imbalance for a few days. He was seeming extra fussy and extra gassy for a few days and hadn't had a good dirty diaper. Then when he finally did it was way more green than it had ever been and seemed almost watery. A quick google search lead me to believe that's what we were dealing with and it made sense after looking back at our feeding logs. I made a conscious effort to change our feedings slightly and within two days he was back to normal!
[+] went on his first plane rides this month to celebrate Auntie's graduation in California and was a great traveler. I wore him in the ring sling through the airport, nursed him when and where I needed to, he took naps on the plane and didn't make much of a peep the whole time. The place we stayed had pack-n-plays for both boys to sleep in and he did surprisingly well in it. He went to the beach, toured the college campus, sat in many restaurants and was such a perfect boy.
[+] got his first sunburn on our trip to CA and I felt horrible about it. Graduation was outside and it was a cloudy, perfectly warm day and he napped soundly in my arms through a big portion of it without trouble. Until we woke up the next morning and realized one half of his face was red. #momfail
[+] still sleeps in our room at night and I'm honestly not sure when we'll move him which is so much different than with big brother Mark. After our vacation and him doing so well in the pack-n-play I decided to get ours out and give it a try instead of the rock-n-play. So far he isn't sleeping any worse (or better) in it so we'll stick to it for now. He still naps in the rock-n-play in his room and is still swaddled anytime he sleeps (except in the carseat/wrap/etc obviously).
[+] he goes to bed around 9pm, wakes twice in the night to eat, usually around 2am and 5am, and we start our day somewhere between 7 & 7:30am. We stopped doing the 10/10:30pm feed before we went to bed because it wasn't making a difference with how long he'd sleep but I'm wondering if we should start doing it again. He still eats every 2.5hrs during the day and is such a good nurser which I am loving. Occasionally I'll do weighted-feeds with him just to see how much volume he's taking and it varies between 2.5 and 4.5oz depending on the feed.
[+] officially has blue eyes for now and they are both gorgeous and shocking. Never in my life would I have imagined I'd have a blue eyed baby boy! The pedi told us that most of the time, eyes his color blue stay that color so we shall see.
[+] nicknames: Pat Pat, baby brother, buddy, little love
[+] likes: baths, nursing, his swing, big brother, being held upright
[+] dislikes: when we make him stay awake, initially being swaddled, getting dressed
[+] am still loving nursing my little boy which brings me so much joy especially how things ended up with Mark. Patrick is a great nurser and I'm definitely experiencing "the bond" I desperately longed for the first time around. And in even better news, we've officially been shield free the last month (except for a rare few feedings where I used it to help slow my milk down). The only trouble we've dealt with in the last month has been managing my fast let-downs causing him lots of gas issues but with some different positioning and him getting bigger and stronger every day I think the issue is behind us now.
[+] unfortunately ended up with a whole slew of new stretch marks from this baby boy that I'm really not happy about. I knew a few of them where there while I was pregnant but they have definitely made their (dark, purple, wiggly) appearance since he's been here. They're all below my belly button which makes sense since he was so stinking low for so long and means I'm the proud new owner of a one piece swim suit for the summer. Thankfully my girlfriends all told me I was like a pin-up girl in it because it definitely makes me feel like I have a total mom-bod! Here's hoping I'll someday get back in better shape and the marks fade with time.
[+] went out of town to Philadelphia for an exam for school and was away from my baby (and my big boy and husband) for two nights and it was so much harder than I anticipated it being. One reason being I don't even remember the last time I was alone for as long of a stretch as that. Maybe before Mark was born? And the second reason being that leaving my baby was so, so tough. Sure I missed J and Mark but I literally cried in my hotel room looking at pictures of Patrick because I missed him so much. I said it in his last update but I feel so much more connected to this boy, he's definitely turning into a mommas boy, and leaving him was such a struggle.
[+] have TONS of milk in the freezer and it's such an awesome feeling seeing it all in there. In relation to my trip out of town I knew I needed to have a ton of milk stored for when I was gone with the assumption that I'd be replacing what he ate with what I pumped. Well, not only did I exceed my goal for what I "needed" for the time I'd be away but I also pumped more than he ate leaving us with a surplus. Having the extra in the freezer eases so much stress about my upcoming return to med school & pumping life.
[+] have been at home on board study month the last few weeks and while it's been so nice not having to actually GO anywhere, it's also been hard too. It's hard to make myself sit at the table and study. It's hard to be motivated to get work done when Patrick has a particularly tough night. It's hard to not want to snuggle him when he wakes early from his nap. It's hard not getting to play and go on adventures with my big boy. But I guess I should have known having two babies in med school was going to be hard, right?
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