Thursday, September 23, 2010

30 Day Challenge

Here in blog land we all most of us experience blogging-block. For those of you who don't, who happen to always have something interesting or inspiring or creative etc etc etc to write about, who never experience "it's been days or weeks since my last post because my life is boring" well... congrats. I however, am not one of those people.

That all changed when I happened to stumble across a solution. Renee at Closed on Sunday wrote a post sharing the 30 Days of Truth challenge. The way that it works is that there are 30 (yes, what a shocker I know) post topics for you to write about. From what I understand, they are supposed to be answered/responded to on consecutive days/posts. But I thought I'd change it up a little bit.

I don't want to feel like I am forced to follow a strict schedule when it comes to this list. Therefore I have decided that while I will blog about the topics on the list in order, I can't guarantee that there wont be other posts in between. If I have something real to blog about, say a medical school interview (please please please please please) then I'll have the freedom to write about whatever that situation may be. Because who knows, maybe writing on these topics will spark something else to write about.

So here then, is The List.
  1. something you hate about yourself
  2. something you love about yourself
  3. something you have to forgive yourself for
  4. something you have to forgive someone else for
  5. something you hope to do in your life
  6. something you hope to never have to do
  7. someone who has made your life worth living for
  8. someone who has made your life hell, or treated you badly
  9. someone you didn't want to let go, but just drifted away
  10. someone you need to let go, or wish you didn't know
  11. something people seem to compliment you the most on
  12. something you never get compliments on
  13. a band or artist that has gotten you through some hard days
  14. a hero that has let you down
  15. something you couldn't live without, because you've tried living without it
  16. something you definitely could live without
  17. a book you've read that changed your views on something
  18. your views on gay marriage
  19. what do you think of religion and/or politics
  20. what do you think about drugs and/or alcohol
  21. your best friend is in a car accident and you two got in a fight an hour before. what do you do?
  22. something you wish you hadn't done
  23. something you wish you had done
  24. make a playlist for someone and explain the reason for each song
  25. the reason you believe you're still alive today
  26. have you ever thought about giving up?
  27. what is the best thing in your life right now?
  28. what if you were pregnant today?
  29. something you hope to change about yourself
  30. write a letter to yourself
I am not going to start today so keep an eye out for day one. I hope to be able to link back all the posts together so that someone who's interested in finding out more about me will be able to. Plus it'll be a neat way for me to reflect on and change my opinions etc. I'm hoping that this can be a creative outlet for me to think about parts of my life. I plan on being brutally honest for each topic but promise that I'll try to make it as interesting as possible. So stick around if your interested or feel free to join me for the whole 30 days, or even just one.

I am off to a hopefully very productive day but first, some play time with the pup. Happy Thursday.


  1. Glad you liked the idea! Another bloggy friend of mine found another 30 day list, which is a little lest intense. I posted that list also if you're interested.

    I think the one she posted is more my speed, especially because some days I don't have a ton of time to blog. But I definitely plan to borrow some topics from this list too.

  2. LOVE this :)

    Excited to read your posts!

  3. Love this idea Jayme! I finally posted the award you gave me! :)

  4. What a great idea thanks for sharing!! I def. get blog block!!



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