Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Art Dealer Teal-er

Did you know that September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month?
Did you know that the color teal is the awareness color for OC?
Did you know that you should paint your toes the color teal right now, I mean after you finish reading this, to help bring awareness and save lives?

Well now you do.

To show my support I decided to paint, not only my toes but also my fingers in the traditional bright teal color. Realistically any shade of teal will do (OPI has an awesome Ski Teal We Drop color that is a little more subdued) I just figured Go Big or Go Home right?
So I picked up my new teal nail polish and painted away and I hope that people notice. Because that's the point.

Friend: "Oh I like the color of your nails/Wow your nail polish is bright/etc etc"
Self: "Yes, thank you. It's to raise awareness of Ovarian Cancer. Teal is their color."
Friend: "Ovarian Cancer huh?"
Self: "Yep, let me tell you about it...."
* OC effects over 25,000 women in the US every year and is the 5th leading cause of cancer in women
* 75% of OC cases are diagnosed too late, the cancer has already spread and treatment is unlikely to help
* 93% of OC patients that get diagnosed earlier are able to survive it
* There is no test or screen to detect this form of cancer (not even a pap smear) so you must trust your instinct and see a doctor if you have persistence of any symptom

- Bloating
- Pelvic and/or abdominal pain
- Frequent or urgent need to go #1
-Having a hard time eating
-Feeling full quickly

Remember, you MUST see your doctor if you have any of these symptoms daily for more than a few weeks because early detection is crucial to the treatment of the disease.

So go out there and help save baby makers and the lives of women around you.
The information I have listed here as well as more can be found at the Teal Toes website.
And they even have a huge list of teal nail polishes in many brands incase you don't know which one you want to use.


  1. I just painted my toes teal the other day with OPI...I think this is such a great idea. Painting my nails as we speak.

    I love your color though. It's great to see so many participants.

  2. Visiting from Mingle Monday (I know, I'm way late. Thankfully the linky is open until Wednesday!) That's a great color & such a good cause. I might have to look into some Art Dealer Tealer. It matches my bathroom, actually. : )

  3. Hmmm...I did not know about this but I love anything that supports cancer awareness so that means that I now have an excuse to go buy myself a teal nail polish! yay!

  4. I have that same nailpolish!!! I am going to go paint my toes RIGHT NOW. Great. post.



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