[1] Try to keep your cool when you've landed in paradise and are minus your checked bags. A shower can always wait.
[2] Every sunset will be different.

[3] And every sunset will be gorgeous.

[4] But every sunset will be better when you're on the beach with the one you love.

[5] Mai Tai's taste much better when you're looking out on the ocean and they're made with the freshest juice available. It doesn't help that they can be $9 a pop.
[6] Sitting around doing nothing for a few hours while you wait for your turn on the ferry to the USS Arizona memorial can be fun. Relaxation is good for the soul.

[7] A free hot dog never hurt anyone.
[8] There will always be time for quite. For remembrance. For patriotism and for loyalty. And most importantly, for respect.

[9] The Gulf disaster gave a different light on this sort of occurrence. But it's important to consider the situation you are dealing with. Here, these oil leaks are beautiful and mystic.

[10] It's acceptable to pull out the big guns :-)

[11] A cloudy day in Hawaii is not the end of the world. Running through a ridiculous rainfall with soaking jeans and tennis shoes and no umbrella can lead to lasting memories together.
[12] Always pack an umbrella or a rain coat. You never know when you might need it.
[13] And it's also acceptable to people watch. Even if it involves making up your own versions of their lives. Just remember not to be mean.

[14] When the sun does shine you must head to the beach. And even though the water is still cold here, you must fight it anyways and get in to swim.
I'm so JEALOUS!!!!!!! It looks so beautiful and seems like you had an awesome time!