Today I'm playing along with the A to Z questionnaire that's been circulating blog-land for a while now. I love reading everyone else's facts but for some reason never wanted to do it for myself. Until now.
A: Age: 22. And as I was filling this out I realized that technically I'm 22 years, 2 months, and 2 days old. Weird right?
B: Bed Size: Queen. J and I updated from our double a year or so ago and are much happier. But now that we have our fur baby, we sorta want a king... or Cali King according to J.
C: Chore You Dislike: It's a close tie between drying dishes and doing laundry. I love washing dishes but never, ever dry them right away. I hate it. and I love having all the laundry done but hate actually taking the time to do it.
D: Dogs: If you've read my blog at all, you know the answer to this. We love our Ollie boy. In fact, why not include a picture just to mix things up.
F: Favorite Color: Yellow. Any shade.
G: Gold or Silver: All of the jewelry I wear on a daily basis is silver and most of the jewelry I own is silver. I prefer it that way (white gold counts as well) and I hope that the rest of the jewelry I get in my lifetime is silver too. I do have a pair of awesome gold earrings and my pearl necklace is on a gold chain so I don't completely eliminate gold 100%.
H: Height: 5' 4" Not too little, not too tall in my opinion.
I: Instruments you play(ed): I was a band kid since 3rd grade so I've played my fair share of instruments. Started with piano and then learned (in order) clarinet, flute, oboe, bassoon, and french horn. I specifically played oboe and french horn and just picked up the others along the way. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, go here. :-)
J: Job Title: Student. Panera Bread Associate. Fur-Baby Momma.
L: I live for ___: Helping those around me. Hence the reason I want to be a doctor but even on a smaller level I love doing things for other people specifically the people I cherish.
M: Most Embarrassing Moment: J and I had just started dating and were hanging out all.the.time. One evening we decided to make dinner at his mom's house for the two of us. The rest of his family was home (but not eating with us for some reason?) and just happened to witness me struggling with a bag of shredded cheese. The bag would not open for the life of me. I pulled and pulled and then bam, there was cheese all over the kitchen. Shredded cheese mind you. I was beyond embarrassed.
N: Nicknames: Only specific people call me specific nicknames. There's nothing that's stuck for everyone all the time. Some friends call me Jaym. Two specific people call me Jay. People I worked with called me by my last name. My mom calls me Pud.
O: Overnight Hospital Stays: I've been to the hospital for random things (like hurting my thumb skiing) but never had to stay overnight.
P: Pet Peeves: I'm pretty OCD so there are many things that irritate me, I'll try to limit my list here.
* People who walk on the left side of a hallway and/or go through the left side of a double door.
* People who chew gum like they're eating a steak.
* Groups of people that stand in the middle of the hall/sidewalk/etc. Just move over.
* Not letting someone merge into traffic when they've been signaling forever.
* People who leave empty water bottles, coffee cups or trash at their desk in class as opposed to throwing it away in the trashcan by the door.
* Writing in pencil on notebook paper.
Q: Quote From A Movie: "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." (extra points if you can name the movie)
R: Reading Now: I'm currently working on two books The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets Nest and Something Borrowed. I've been working on the Stieg Larsson series for a while now and must finish Something Borrowed before the movie comes out.
S: Siblings: I have a younger sister, she's 18 and her name is Lex. (Alexis technically)
T: Time You Wake Up: Usually between 7 and 9 depending on the day. Earlier if I have to be at work at 8:30 and later if I have no where to be. Although I have to admit that I can't sleep in like I used to anymore. Long gone are the days of sleeping till 11 and my body usually wakes me up by 9 now.
U: University Attended: San Diego State University. I did take a summer class at University of Colorado Denver while I was home one summer and hopefully I'll be able to add a med school to this list soon.
V: Vegetables Disliked: I'm not a huge veggie fan, I'm much more of a fruit girl that's for sure. Basically the only ones I do eat are carrots, peppers, lettuce, celery, cucumbers, broccoli and sometimes tomatoes.
W: What Makes You Run Late: I'm typically not late most of the time but I'm often rushing to get out of the house so I'm not late. Typical delays include, taking ollie out, getting caught up watching a DVRed show, reading just one more blog, or standing in the hot water in the shower too long.
X-Rays You've Had: Shoulder, thumb and teeth. From swimming, skiing and... life I guess. Ha.
Y: Yummy Food You Make: I love to bake. Cookies, brownies, muffins, cupcakes. I also make a mean chili and a killer, extra meaty, food-coma-inducing lasagna.
Z: Zoo Animal Favorite: Elephants, hands down. They fascinate me and I want them to be my friends.
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