Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Today I'm mixing it up a bit and categorizing my life as of recently. Because we all know that I'm OCD and organization is one of my best friends (along with Office Depot, color coordination and alphabetizing) I figured this would be a fun way for you to see into my life.

[The Good]

1. I was recently nominated to be recognized as the Outstanding Biology Graduate at our commencement ceremony in May. They called me into the advising office and gave me an envelope. I was sorta worried they were going to tell me I missed a requirement or something crazy so I was extremely surprised to be given such a nomination. Now with my entry essay completed I have to wait and hope that they pick me!

2. Speaking of graduation, it is surely fast approaching. According to my good friends convenient iPhone countdown app I think we're at less than 35 days. I picked up my cap and gown on Tuesday and even decided to take advantage of the photo session they were holding for free. Can't pass up a "no sitting fee" opportunity can I?
3. I will be graduating manga cum laude *happydance* and hopefully (if I can get a 4.0 this semester) it will be summa cum laude! I can't even begin to believe that undergrad is almost over and on top of it that I might be graduating with honors.

4. J and I have started playing tennis together in the evenings and we are loving it. It was a random purchase to get the rackets but we are definitely glad we did. I am not very good at this point but we just play for fun and for good exercise. I'm really happy we have something fun to do together.

[The Bad]

1. I received notice in the mail the other day saying that I was again placed on another alternate list for acceptance into medical school. This time it was for Creighton University instead of University of Colorado. I'm feeling a little more discouraged this time around since these are my only two options left for school for the fall. I'm definitely not giving up because I still have a chance but it's definitely not a good feeling. Fingers crossed those with acceptances choose to go to other schools.

2. I have volunteering tonight, work on Saturday and most likely work on Sunday as well. The worst part of it is that we are having fabulous weather in San Diego right now. 70's and sunshine and the last place I want to be is inside.

[The Ugly]

1. Yesterday while standing chatting with a few friends on campus I was suddenly hit in the ankle with some idiots skateboard. He tried to slow down, jumped off the board and it went shooting across the ground only to stop when it hit me full force. Hard. I followed the incident by telling him "that's why they don't allow skateboarding on campus!" and didn't try to hide my disgust for him. He said sorry, walked away and I limped the whole rest of the night, seriously.

2. Gas prices are ridiculous in San Diego right now. I paid $40 to put 9.5 gallons of gas into my car the other day. That amounts to $4.15 a gallon! And my car gets at least 29 mpg still... I couldn't imagine what I'd feel like if I drove a truck right now.


  1. i was just complaining about $3.75 a gallon here yesterday. $4.15 is terrible! :(

  2. Glad you're kicking butt in school & that it's almost over. So exciting! Will keep my fingers crossed for you & your med school acceptance! Ouch, I hope your ankle is okay! Gas is ridic... it's been about $3.76 here which is still bad!



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