Our doctor's appointment at the end of last week went great which is always fantastic news. Baby's heartbeat was measuring at 147 and my doctor seems to be very happy with how things are progressing for me. I haven't mentioned it before now but we absolutely love our doc. We were recommended to her by the wife of someone I go to school with and I'm so happy it worked out for us. She's really outgoing, jokes with us during our appointments, keeps things real and I feel like I really connect with her since I'm in med school. At our appointment she asked what my next course was and she joked with us about how "it's probably a good thing your doctor read that whole book cover to cover, huh?"
I still keep convincing myself that I feel the baby move but think I'm just psyching myself up over a bit of digestion movement. Oops! I've been slathering my belly with lotion as much as possible to hopefully avoid stretch marks even though I know their genetic and no amount of lotion will prevent them. I'm pretty sure my mom never got them so fingers crossed I get lucky too.
We've been game planning a bit for the summer because we're planning on getting new carpet upstairs finally before redoing the guest room into the baby's room. It's definitely going to be quite the project as their's a lot of square footage up there and a lot of furniture to move around but I'm looking forward to being able to make progress with the nursery once the floors are done. I've been pinning ideas, checking out cribs and game planning paint colors and I can't wait to start. I've also started looking into strollers and carseats and think I'm set on the Britax B-Agile travel system. I like that the stroller is 3-wheeled for easy moving but isn't so bulky like some of the "jogger" strollers are. I'm leaning towards the black color but wasn't sure if that would be hot for the babe in the summer time? Maybe tan would be a better option.
Can't believe we're already almost done with April. Only 5 more months till baby time!
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