At the end of last week I received my AngelSounds Fetal Doppler in the mail and I absolutely love this thing. Technology is seriously the coolest. I posted a video on Instagram the day it came of the sweet sound of that little heart beat and I've made a point to listen throughout the week when I think about it. I was a bit hesitant to order one because I've heard of mom's freaking themselves out not being able to hear the heartbeat but thankfully I've had no issues hearing it right away. Now if only that little gummy bear in there would stop wiggling away while I'm listening. Without doubt every time I use the doppler it's like the baby protests and says "no mom, stop listening to me!" and the heart beat slowly swims away. I try and measure the hear rate when I have my phone near me and have gotten between 164 and 156 most times.
As for other random facts for this week goes, I'm up about 6lbs from my starting weight which I feel happy about. I was nervous for a little while (mostly post-Mexico) that I would be gaining too quickly but it seems as if my body has it all figured out now. I even made it to the gym this week for the first time in quite a while and I actually welcomed the sore muscles that resulted the next day. I'm hoping that once neuro is over I'll have more time to get back in the swing of things at the gym. Sleep is definitely hit-or-miss these days as I sleep like a rock some nights and then find myself awake and not able to fall back asleep other nights. I'm contemplating asking J for a new pillow-top for our bed for Mother's Day in hopes that'll help me sleep better in the months to come.
Craving's have been timid this week as nothing in particular has popped up that I must have. I'm starting to miss adult beverages less and less recently which is always a plus however I would love some sushi right about now. I've been battling with some low blood pressure related dizziness and I'm not quite sure how to manage this one. Getting up too quickly has me seeing spots a lot of the time and I sometimes even get to the point of feeling faint if I'm on my feet too long. Other than sitting more and moving slowly, anyone have any suggestions about making sure I don't pass out?
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