Hello third trimester! It's nice to see you! And also insane that we're already here! The past week contained baby boys "first trip" to the lake to celebrate the fourth as well as his first Rockies game. It also brought with it lots more comments about my growing self from strangers/people I don't know that well and thankfully they were all very respectful. I don't mind questions like how far along I am or when I'm due as long as we avoid the judgmental comments for at least a few more weeks.
Baby boy is quite the mover and shaker this past week and I can tell he's packing on the weight in there as his movements get stronger by the day. I'd love if he laid off the rib jabs a little but I'll take what I can get for a strong growing boy regardless. According to all my apps he's somewhere between 1.5 and 2.5 lbs already (more likely to be on the high end of that) and he can really pack a punch that startles me sometimes. I'll find out more accurately how big this kid is at our appointment on Thursday but even knowing he's at least over two pounds just seems crazy to me. Sometimes he'll stick what I assume to be his booty out on one side of my belly and it just makes me heart flutter thinking about this little guy and his perfect self growing away in there. Not too long before I'm patting his rear-end in my arms instead of through my belly!
It has been hot around here lately (mostly in the 90's) especially during our 4th of July weekend and it's the first time I've really noticed pregnancy changing my heat-tolerance. I wouldn't say that I'm running warmer that I used to as don't find myself hot on a daily basis but I do find that I get hotter quicker than I used to and when I do get hot it's a bigger deal than before to cool off asap. Unfortunately for me I'm officially retiring my one pair of maternity jean shorts (see above) because they are no longer comfortable. I'm not sure if it's because they're denim or if they're just smaller than my other shorts but the waist line is definitely miserable after a few hours. Fingers crossed I can get by with the other items I have and don't need to replace them for the rest of the summer but we'll see.
In other random news I'm hovering at right around 20-22lbs gained so far which is still a bit scary for me. I know it's all worth it but sometimes knowing that doesn't trump seeing numbers on the scale you've never seen before. As long as my doctor doesn't think it's a problem then I'll try to not worry about it so fingers crossed it's all okay on Thursday. I'm proudly still stretch mark free which is fantastic and also don't have linea nigra either even though my belly button is officially an outie now. Baby boy told me he wants watermelon like crazy this week which is so strange since I previously hated it. I've always loved the flavor but couldn't get over the gritty texture before and now I can't seem to get enough. It might be from the heat too but the thought of eating very much dairy lately hasn't seemed appealing unless its in ice-cream form and I still can't even think of drinking hot coffee without wanting to gag.
As each week seems to fly by and the summer is quickly passing I get more and more excited about this little boy entering our family. I'm sure I'm not the first momma-to-be to say this but I feel like I already love him so much and know that once we meet face to face the love I feel now will explode to a thousand times more. Little boy, thank you for growing strong in there, thank you for keeping me company every day and thank you for making me a momma. Know that we love you so much already and are awaiting your arrival on pins & needles and with more excitement than I ever thought possible.
It is crazy how your body and taste changes when you are pregnant! It really is an amazing experience to go through and you are looking great!!! Good luck in that summer heat!