Monday, July 21, 2014

Baby H: Week 30

For some odd reason I feel like 30-weeks is a bigger deal than it actually is. It's not the start of a trimester or anything significant for baby but for some reason I keep thinking "holy cow, 30 weeks already!"

On Wednesday night J, Ollie and I headed up to the mountains for a mini getaway and it was just fantastic. It was actually J who suggested we go spend some time at the cabin and take the boat out on the lake and I was just giddy looking forward to it all week. I know the trend now is to go on a "baby moon" so I guess this was our version of it before school starts again and the sweet babe arrives. It was so nice to disconnect from the happenings of regular life, relax out on the water and basically do whatever we wanted for a few days with no guilt about to-do lists or distractions from other people.

I'm still so thankful to be feeling great throughout this pregnancy. J and I were talking the other day about how relatively insignificant the complaints I have here and there are in the grand scheme of how things could have been for me. Just to keep record to look back on, this week baby boy has decided that the insides of my ribs are more like piano keys than bones and seriously, holy ouch! A few times the rib jabs made me gasp they were so strong and sudden. On the other end he's been having a grand old time using my bladder/cervix as a punching bag which has got to be the strangest feeling movement to date. It's not really painful (yet) but so so strange. Sleep this week has been hit or miss. Most nights I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow which is great but the belly is definitely making staying asleep harder. There are some nights where I feel like I'm constantly tossing and turning from side to side, my hips/shoulders get sore from sleeping directly on them and I wake up flat on my back a lot which makes me nervous because I'm not supposed to sleep like that. I sometimes wake up once during the night to use the bathroom which isn't too bad but dang, I sure hope I can figure out something to get better sleep before school starts again.

The best part of this week was definitely little man's baby shower (which will be getting a whole post for itself soon). It was so fantastic being surrounded by some awesome ladies who love our little boy already. Not to mention spoil him already too! I feel a whole lot more prepared when it comes to "stuff" for his arrival and after a few quick trips in the next few days to pick up items we didn't get we'll be almost ready for our little man to arrive. This coming week is my last week of being pregnant and not in school so I'm going to try and enjoy it as much as possible and with as much energy as I can muster. For some reason I keep thinking about "being pregnant in the summer" and "having a baby in the fall" but my mind somehow misses the in-between stage where I have to sit in class with a cantaloupe under my shirt. Should be an adventure.

Only 10 more weeks until the big D-day (which is hopefully more like 8 or 9 weeks because that would be ideal with my crazy schedule). After a few more weeks of baking, little boy, you can come meet the world. The excitement is growing as each week passes and we absolutely can't wait to meet you.

1 comment:

  1. So close and I feel every week you make it through is a big deal! You are growing a human! Good to hear you had a good shower!



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