Monday, July 28, 2014

Baby H: Week 31

This was my last week of summer break and I can't believe how fast the six weeks flew by. I knew this day was coming but can't help but feel a little sad that it's over already. I hope that I'm able to stay caught up on these updates because I love looking back and really want to document the last two months before our little one arrives.

This week was extra busy as one of my best friends from California, who flew in for the shower last weekend, stayed with us for a few days. It was awesome catching up with her, having someone to run errands for last minute baby supplies with and being able to have some extra fun before getting back to school. Sunday was also my mom's birthday so we spent the day together at the zoo and imagined bringing the sweet babe with us this time next year. J and I went and purchased the last minute "big items" we needed (pack & play, extra car seat base and activity yard) and it makes me giddy watching J run upstairs to put things together as soon as we get home, excited for our little boy's arrival. I'm still feeling great for the most part but have noticed the aches and pains starting to increase already. I am exhausted after a day on my feet but thankfully they aren't swelling yet. I can't get up off the couch or roll over in bed without grunting and struggling at least a little bit. I'm still wearing my wedding rings and am stretch mark free which is fantastic.

At my doctor's appointment this week I weighed in at a 25lb weight gain so far which is what it is at this point. I have to admit that I have moments where I don't like the added weight, that I want my old body back, that I hate feeling out of control about the whole process. I always know deep in my heart that these changes are so worth it, that it's amazing what my body is capable of and that in the end of it all we will be holding our son in our arms but it's impossible to not occasionally be "over it". For now I'm attempting to be as positive as I can be, to make myself get dressed and put together so I feel better about myself and try to cherish these last two months as much as I can despite feeling like a whale sometimes.

We also found out that little man is still making things interesting and is no longer head-down like he was two weeks ago. When my doctor went to measure his heart beat he was apparently hanging out up in my ribs (which I could have told her based on how it feels like my ribs are on fire most of the time). At this point she didn't seem concerned about his positioning but suggested I hang out in puppy pose whenever I think about it to see if we can coax him back down. I scheduled my 36-week appointment that includes an ultrasound a week early just in case so that if need be we can attempt an external version to get him positioned correctly.

While I'm definitely not looking forward to the start of the school year the best part about it is that we are quickly approaching D-day. We constantly mention how once it's August it'll seem like there's so little time before he's here and we've started realizing how events this fall are turning into either "before the baby comes" or "once he's here" dates. We can't wait to meet you little boy!

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