In less than a month.... we're moving. I have to say that I'm pretty excited about it because I'm really pumped to have a new, clean slate to decorate. There were some decorating attempts in our current apartment but things were more just thrown together with what we had. I really want to try and make this apartment feel more like our own place as opposed to just where our stuff is. My dislike towards renting has really increased lately and I can't wait to be able to paint walls, change flooring, and make major updates but for now we have to make due with minimal, but hopefully significant additions.
I've been looking online for decorating ideas so we don't go into the new place with no concept of what we want. Today I spend the afternoon on Better Homes and Gardens looking at their great apartment improvement pages. Here is what I'm loving right now...

+ I've wanted a desk for far too long. I'm sick of sitting doing homework on the dining room table simply because it always ends up one of two ways. 1: I have to clear off all my supplies so we can have dinner. I usually have my computer (with charger), multiple books, pens, highlighters, notes, and stikies spread everywhere. And to be honest, it's a little bit of a hassle to move it all for dinner knowing I'll be back in the same spot in less than an hour. Or 2: I leave all said-supplies where they are, spread where we're supposed to eat, which reduces us to eating on the couch. Yes, there are sometimes when I like it. Ordering pizza so we can watch a movie during dinner, perfect time for the couch. But when we have salads, or pasta or anything that requires a knife and a fork, I much prefer the table. To be short, this table, matching with other furniture and extremely simple would serve as a perfect spot for me.
Have you decorated an apartment you rent(ed)? What worked for you and what didn't? Any tips?
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