1. I went to yoga yesterday afternoon.... I think I'll be back. I've done it a handful of times previously but there was something about yesterdays class that was different. I'm not sure if it's me being in a different place in my life that made me appreciate it more. Or it could be that I'm way more stressed out that I was so I need it more. Or it may be that the teacher was able to instruct the class better/differently than before so I enjoyed it more. But regardless of the reasoning I thoroughly loved it. I don't know if I'll ever be a yoga master or if I'll "find my soul" stretching on a mat but as long as it keeps giving me a fresh start and a relaxed feeling like it did yesterday then I'll keep going. I left with such positive energy and felt like I had already accomplished so much for the day.
2. Maybe it was the positive feelings overflowing from yoga but volunteering last night at Hospice was a real joy. I really felt like I was making a difference last night. Even if it was just in relieving the House Aid by running errands and picking up dinner I felt like I was supposed to be there. And what's even better, I was offered a letter of recommendation for med school by the volunteer coordinator without even having to ask for one. I was in the right place at the right time and really felt like I was being thanked on an individual level. I also think I might stop by the local library and check out a few new Chicken Soup for the Soul books. I forgot how inspiring those books are. I got the chance to read a few stories to one of the patients last night and loved how they made me feel and how she smiled at the end of each one.
3. I made some serious progress on my paper today. A few hours at Starbucks later I had downed a bunch of iced coffee and was really rolling. (PS- if you don't have a registered Starbucks gift card, you need to get one. I recently made it to Gold Level, whoo hooo, which means I get FREE refills on all iced coffee and teas. Can you say sweet!?) Some parts were really hard for me to write, I wanted to give up or move on instead of write what needed to be said. But I was motivated enough to get through it and write. Not only for the sake of including anything that's made me who I am but also for my own comfort. I do admit that I ended up removing some of what I wrote but even just to get it down on paper, well technically on the screen, helped me. I never thought writing about something would make me feel this relieved, free, and rewarded.
4. I'll leave you with this image of what we saw on our late night Taco Bell run last night simply because I think it's hilarious. I know they're required to put up a sign about height clearance for trucks and what not, but how clever! How could a car duck? :-)
Yoga is so wonderful for stress. I too am starting to very slowly get back into it and it does motivate you for the entire day.
ReplyDeleteThis paper could really end up being therapeutic for you in the long run :) I’m glad your making progress.
Your blog is such a joy to read, I was so sad when I thought you were gone!
Thank you so much for your kind words! I really appreciate it. I know I've been MIA lately (again) :-/ but I'll be back soon. Hope you'll stick around till then :-)