Monday, January 25, 2016

Baby H: Week 26 (times two)

It's crazy to think that the boy in my belly is over a foot in length and weighs somewhere around 2 lbs already! Granted I realize he has three good months of growing left to do but having him be this size already puts it into perspective that there's a sweet little human in there. A little human I can't wait to meet.

Thankfully the week seemed to go fairly quickly which I'm thankful for as it seems like for one reason or another I'm sick of being pregnant by the end of the day almost every night. I don't know if I'm just being a big whiner this pregnancy, if I'm legitimately more uncomfortable this time around or if being a second baby and knowing how amazing it is to have a newborn on the outside is just making me anxious for him to be here but I'm definitely not enjoying being pregnant as much as I was last time. I'm also sure that some of my negativity lately has been from sheer exhaustion as I've been sleeping horribly recently. The combo of stress about school, a sore and painful pelvis from a really low baby and typical pregnancy insomnia have left me with quite a few restless nights leading to an over tired momma, that's for sure. 

It's been quite a while since I stepped on our home scale which is the one I use to track my weight gain since my outfits and time of day always vary when I'm at the doctors office. I'm still stretch mark free except for the odd skin above my old belly button piercing that was also there with Mark and I've had no swelling yet. My belly button is officially "neutral" and just the other night after a big dinner out I noticed it poking through my fitted shirt which is just oh so lovely. The heart burn keeps raging on a daily basis and I'm so jealous I didn't get my first taste of it until this time last pregnancy. I even got myself a daily heartburn OTC medicine to have on hand should it seem like Tums aren't cutting it anymore. So far I'll use anywhere between 2-4 Tums in a day to get relief but, TMI warning, I'm starting to think the extra calcium is making me constipated which definitely doesn't help my uncomfortableness. Plus the heartburn has been keeping me from stuffing myself because it gets worse right after a meal if I'm too full. 

In better news (because this post seems to be all sorts of crabby!) baby boy officially has a first name and I LOVE it! And nope, not sharing till he's here! We're still working on a middle name but knowing and thinking about his first name makes me smile every time. Now I just need to get to Hobby Lobby for his wooden letter for the nursery! This week we also got our double stroller and I can't wait to push our boys (!!!) around in it this summer. We went with the Britax B Ready (we had the Britax B Agile before) and in hindsight we should have just gotten this one the first time around so we'd just need the second seat instead of a whole new stroller. Thankfully we were able to get a used one from Craigslist and it's in great condition and much cheaper than a new one. We'll be able to use our infant car seat still and then have two seats once baby brother gets bigger. I find myself daydreaming of these types of things... walks with my heard of boys in the summer, having two carseats in my back seat, baby wearing little brother while holding Mark's hand as we wander through Target... Gosh I'm a lucky momma!
And to conclude, how about some real-life photo shoot action shall we? Mark usually stays inside while we snap these pictures because he'll dive right into the snow if he's out with us. And this week he was cracking himself up banging and slobbering on the glass.

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