Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Holidays 2015

The holiday season keeps getting better and better. I said it last year how much more magical Christmas is with a little one and goodness, I really didn't know what I was in for. Mark was so much more engaged this year at 15 months compared to last year at just 3 that I can't wait to see his reactions next year. Not to mention the sweet new baby boy who will be about 9 months this time next year! 

Just like last year we started off the festivities with a visit to see Santa. We went to a different mall and it actually turned out better than last year. Yes we paid a silly amount but at least this time we got lots of images and the digital files plus a reservation time to see the big man in red. Mark didn't absolutely lose it which is always a plus but lets just say the picture on the left was the first one taken and the rest he's very skeptical in. 
Mark got to help my mom, sister and I with our big cookie baking day this year and while he definitely didn't care in the slightest about being involved, I love that he got to "help" even the little bit that he did. Our house was decorated a little later this year than other years but I'm almost thinking that was okay since we have someone with pretty sticky fingers running around now. Mark always helped me turn on the Christmas tree lights each morning and would occasionally look up at the stockings making the season that much better. 

Christmas Eve was low-key this year as we only had my mom's to visit (J's dad had us over after Christmas) and after enjoying lots of yummy snacks and wonderful gifts we made it home, put the babe to bed and finished up the last minute tasks for hosting the next day. It's tradition now that J makes his pulled pork on the smoker with homemade BBQ sauce and goodness did we feast. My mom helped with all the sides and like I've mentioned before, I ate wayyyy to much homemade mac n cheese and party potatoes. We made easy desserts and everyone but this momma made a serious dent in the "bar" while enjoying each other's company. Mark was quite sick on Christmas day so I was worried about him and how he was feeling/sleeping/eating/etc but thankfully it seemed like even he had a good time. 
J and I continued the festivities of the season by celebrating our 3rd wedding anniversary a few days after Christmas. We left our boy at home with Gram and Auntie so we could enjoy a night to ourselves which was definitely needed. We had dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory and then went to a NBA game with box seats. Is basketball necessarily my top choice of activities? No. But was it so nice getting out of the house and doing something with my husband we literally never get the chance to do? Heck yes! It was a wonderful night and great way to celebrate all we've done in the last three years. 3 years, 2 babies and 1 family is surely something to be proud of!

We ended the holiday break before the grind of school and work started back up by braving the cold and walking the paths of Zoo Lights at the Denver Zoo. We bundled up Mark in lots of layers, blankets and his stroller sack, wore hats and gloves and drank hot chocolate and marveled in the amazing light displays throughout the whole zoo. It was a special night that both Grandmas and my sister came along for and while we didn't last long thanks to temps in the 20's I'm so glad we decided to finish off the holiday season like this. 
The month of December is pretty much my favorite of the whole year. My love Christmas and the celebrations it brings. The fact that we decided to start our family on Christmas Eve two years ago and are now blessed with one wild toddler and one bundle in my belly. That our anniversary falls just a few days later to continue the joyous season. Being able to spend over a week just being with my little family, loving on them, celebrating with them, making memories with them. 

Thanks for another fabulous season, 2015! Here's to next year!

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