Monday, August 16, 2010

Ahh Mondays

Today is Monday which means I will most likely do nothing productive today. The boyfriend always hassles me that I don't do much on any day but hey, I frankly don't care. School is starting sooner than I'd like and I'll be plenty busy then.

On today's list...

1. Dealt with some cranky, crabby, crying girls this morning at work. I never thought a four and two year old could have such a bad case of the Mondays. Proved me wrong. It took a good "breathe in, breath out" for me to not send the little one to school in her pajamas and pee-filled diaper. Hopefully tomorrow goes more smoothly. *Fingers crossed*

2. I've made some good progress on my newest read, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, but I've neglected my Nook for the past few days and I plan on doing some more reading this afternoon.

3. I want to watch this movie. We've had it rented from Blockbuster thru the mail for way too long and BF is clearly not interested in seeing it since he said, "oh I thought you watched that already" just last night. I think it looks good, I'll make sure to let you know if you must must must see it, or if you shouldn't bother.

4. Of course I'm playing along with Mingle Monday over at [Life of Meg] and I highly suggest anyone interested in finding new blogs to read and new followers for their own blog go check it out.

5. I may or may not give into my craving for a Carmel Frap from the good 'ol Bucks this afternoon. I have to say that I'm very proud of myself for not going through the super convenient, want to go every day, drive thru Starbucks up the street from our new apartment every morning. I haven't even been once! I know, I'm proud too. But, it's been a while and Fraps are always perfect for hot afternoon pick-me-ups.

6. If you remember from a while ago, I did a post about my newest, fav summer nail polish color and I think it's time for me to use it again. Ooo, I can paint my toes and watch a movie at the same time. Who says I can't check things off my To-Do list today!

7. And of course, I'll spend the majority of the day playing with, snuggling, feeding, loving, and watching this little guy. There's nothing quite like puppy love is there?

What are your Monday to-do's?


  1. Hey Jayme. Just popped over from Mingle Monday.

    I hear you on the Mondays. I swear it takes we half a day to even get started doing all the things I should be doing. :) My to do list as of now is 1)to actually start doing some work, 2) schedule myself a massage, 3) drag my butt to the gym later. I know. Real ambitious right?

  2. Stopping by from Mingle Monday! I'm trying to get through The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo as well, but gave it a rest to read another book (that I'm flying through). I just couldn't get into the other despite how badly I want to read the series. Let me know around what chapter it really picks up so I'll have some more motivation! :)

  3. Hey hey!

    - Brothers is an eye-opening amazing movie. Watched it with BF a few months back and it's a good combo of action + psychology thriller + romance. Rope him into watching it!

    - Thanks for the Mingle mention and for stopping by! I have added you to my Weekly Must Read drawing!!

    Happy Monday to you! :)


  4. Hi there from Meg's Mingle Monday!! I really really like your blog! And can't wait to hear what you think of "Brothers"...I've been debating over if I should see it or not. Have a great Monday!!


  5. Happy Monday! I haven't checked out that movie, but the hubby is away so I need lots of diversions at night :) I may have to check this out!

    Also, love the nail polish color! I'm always too nervous to try blues, but this is a great shade! ♥

  6. sounds like a nice monday. i love days where nothing is really planed and i can sit around doing whatever i want. :)

  7. Stopping by from Mingle Monday. I didn't care for the Brothers much. But I just finished Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and its kind of dark but its really good. I loved reading it.

  8. Mingle Monday brought me here, and I'm loving what I see so far! That book is next on my must-read list, I'm trying to finish Eat, Pray, Love right now! And Brothers was intense, I'm not really sure how I feel about it...but you'll understand once you read it! Can't wait to keep reading :)

  9. I'm here from Mingle Monday and I had a bad case of the Mondays too.

    Just thought I should let you know that your puppy is so cute!

    Natasha from:

  10. Hello! I enjoyed reading and following your blog. Just popping by from Life of Meg "Mingle Mondays". Look forward to reading more on your blog!

    Carrie A Groff

  11. stopping by from mingle monday and loving what i see!!

  12. Ollie is adorb...need to meet him asap. I haven't had a caramel frap is such a long time! My poorness has really been affecting my Starbucks intake :(

  13. Came in from Mingle Monday, love your blog, and your adorable puppy!

  14. Brothers is good in a kind of naughty forbidden way, it's very intense!
    your handwriting is just like your blog, neat and cute and orginal!



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