I am...
*confused.... as to why I had a dream last night where I was a nanny for the Duggar Family (yes that family on TLC that has 19 kids... or maybe it's 20 now?) And while I was there Amber (the partly-crazy, always-yelling teen from the MTV show Teen Mom) came by for some "advice on how to be a better mom" and how to convince her chubbs of a fiance to let her have four more kids. Weirdest dream I've had in a long time. Maybe it's a sign that I watch these shows too often?
*obsessed.... with this lotion recently. I have had this same bottle since senior year of high school and yes, I have a problem finishing beauty products. But I recently dug to the back of the cabinet under the sink and was pleasantly surprised and have been using it every day since. It's almost done too!
*contemplating.... getting a new coffee cup, specifically one that isn't Christmas related. Yes, I love my annual Starbucks mugs that I've collected over the years but I sometimes feel silly using them in August. I have a few other mugs that aren't holiday-ish but they're too small (aka tall sized instead of grande.) I may have to check out the clearance supplies at the Bucks next time I'm there.
*delighted.... that I was able to find a pair of brown, strappy, 3-inch heals at Target last week for.... drum roll please..... $4.95! I know, I know, what an absolute steal! Originally they were $25 so needless to say, they were in my basket and out the door with no second thought. I've been needing a pair of brown heals for a while now but never wanted to spend the money for full priced shoes.
*in love.... like L. O. V. E. lurve with this little guy. He's been the perfect puppy lately. Finally starting to get the hang of housebreaking, loves to cuddle when he's not too hot, and is walking on a leash and up the stairs like a champ now. Did I mention he's already starting to lose his puppy size and shape and starting to look like a little dog already? Brought him home two weeks ago and he was 14 lbs. Today he was 23 lbs! Why must he grow so quickly?
*sad.... that I spent more time than usual to get ready this morning (which included trying new things for my make-up and curling my hair) but had no where to go. Sure I took the pup out to potty and I stopped by Big Lots but I can bet the lady at the register didn't appreciate my curls. But hey, I had the time during the usual 10 am nap and wanted to be put together. At least I thought I looked good even if no one else noticed.
*surprised.... that the lack of dishwasher in our new apartment hasn't been as big of a deal as I thought it would be. My feelings may or may not change once school starts and I have more to do every day so the dishes will have more opportunity to pile up but for now, no biggie. Do the dishes throughout the day and then once after dinner and we have a clean counter. However, I am partly retarded when it comes to the actual washing part and it never fails that I end up getting water either on my shirt, shorts, counter, floor or all of the above. You'd think I've never touched a sponge in my life.
omg. i had that EXACT lotion! lol :)