Whether is a purse, backpack, bag, clutch, etc etc, we all have some means of taking the stuff with us that we need every day. There are some things that are the essentials and must always be with us. Then there are other items that will show up one week and disappear the next. I was inspired to do this post a few weeks ago by Faye @ Faye'sbook because she opened up her purse and showed us all what was inside. She then had her friends share what was in their bags and it turned into a fun way to learn about people and their personalities.
I also wanted to do this post because after this busy weekend (more on this later) I realized how many times I changed bags in three days and was surprised to see which stuff got left at home and which stuff was always taken with. It was interesting to see the changes when we were off to the beach with the bare minimum or out to dinner with our visitors. So here my friends are picture of the inside of my purse. These pictures were taken on a normal, every day running errands/walking the dog sort of day so you can see me in my natural state.
First off, I thought I'd change it up and actually take a picture of the bag I'm using right now. I, like a lot of ladies, frequently change out my purse. Either for different occasions, because I like a certain bag at the time, or because I need more/less room for the day. This Dakine mini-pack has been around since senior year of high school. It was the "in-thing" to wear Dakine back packs and carry your books and binders when I was a senior so this was a must have purchase. I still love it but definitely don't use it as much as back then. It is currently in use because it's a lot easier to carry the puppy and go on walks with this because you don't have to worry about it falling off your shoulder.
Staring in the bottom-left corner and working clockwise
1. Wallet
2. Daily Planner
3. Stickey Notes and a Pen (definite essential for someone like me)
4. Blackberry
5. Sunglasses
6. Nook e-reader
7. Personal products*
8. Keys*
9. Ipod and headphones
10. Electronics* (in a Brighton gift bag)
11. Camera (not shown for obvious reasons)
Personal Products
1. Clean and Clear shine reducer
2. Johnson's 24 Hour Moisturizer lotion (love this stuff)
3. Trident Gum
4. DCT lip balm
5. Softlips lip balm
6. Tylenol/Advil/etc etc (you can never be sure when you'll need it)
1. Starbucks Mini card
2. Lobster bottle opener from Aruba
3. Homemade key charm (yes I felt like a girl scout making this)
1. Digital camera card reader
2. Bluetooth (comes with 30 changeable patterns)
3. USB Flashdrive
4. Ipod voice recorder (perfect for recording class lectures)
So tell me, what do you take with you every day? I'd love to see pictures so please share!
love it!