Friday, July 13, 2012

15 Day Challenge [Day 8]

[Day 8] Describe the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of yourself

[The Good]

1. I'm motivated and think I'm actually pretty smart. I got my bachelors degree in Biology with an emphasis in cellular and molecular biology and graduated with honors. Being the person to set class curves, ace tests, remember tiny details, and learn more than needed has always been something I take a lot of pride in for myself. I'm actually one of those people who loves school, no lie, and I can't wait to go back!

2. I'm not the type of person to hold grudges, gossip or cause problems that are unnecessary. Maybe it's because I delt with that too much in high school (but I guess who didn't) or maybe it's because I'm just not that type of person. I'm much more happy sitting quietly to myself, possibly chatting with those around me rather than getting into a big argument over things that don't matter. I'll never be the one to argue with you at dinner about politics, critique publically other people's life decisions or make things into a big deal. 

[The Bad]

1. I don't wash my hair every day. Eeek! It's official and out in blog land now so there's no taking it back. Thankfully my work is a jeans and t-shirt type of place and I'm usually having to put my hair in a pony-tail or braid anyways. I've found that my hair actually gets greasier and more hard to manage the more that I wash it. I tried the hip baking soda/tea tree oil/apple cider vinegar hair routine once and wasn't sold but I'm thinking of trying it again.

2. I'm terrified of horses, with absolutely no reason behind it. I never got bucked off one as a kid or had any experience with them that was negative. I just plainly don't like them. Supposedly I rode a donkey when I was little (too little to remember) and I'm told that nothing bad happened. But my dislike of them goes to the point that I'll cross the stree if a horse-drawn carriage is in the street or I'll avoid certain parts of Sea World/the fair to make certain I don't go within 50 yards of one.

[The Ugly]

1. I have a pretty hard time admitting that I'm wrong. This may or may not have something to do with [The Good] #1. There have even been times that I wished I could take back my previous opinions about something but haven't just because I didn't want to say, "okay you were right and I was wrong". Don't worry though, this is something I'm constanly working on.

2. I check social media (ie Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Instagram, Pinterest) at least a couple dozen times a day. It's absolutely ridiculous and I admit that. Between having it all linked up on my phone and having a computer at work that doesn't block anything, it's like free access to crack or something I swear. There will be times that I check them all and nothing NOTHING is different from the last time I was one. I'm thinking that I need to do some sort of intervention/unplugging soon. 


  1. I'm addicted to social media too...and it's the worst when nothing has changed since the last time I checked...

  2. I've been working behind a desk all summer answering phones that ring maybe once or twice. I'm allowed to bring my ipad, dumbest idea ever!



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