Wednesday, March 17, 2010

on bullies, butt-heads, and people who are mean

I understand that we live in a society that's not perfect because really no one is perfect. I get that everyone has their moments where they yell and scream and get mad about things that don't matter. Everyone's entitled to an occasional temper-tantrum, myself included. And sometimes, in a fit of rage people say things they don't mean, things that are hurtful and shouldn't be said. But the trick is, normal, nice, decent people realize when they're being irrational.

Specifically I'm venting about a confrontation between a professor and myself just last night. And it was all because of the format of a file. In trying to defend myself about the situation and ensure that I got the credit I deserve, I had been emailing with said-professor. For whatever reason, whether he is too busy to deal with students, dislikes me because I'm a science major or because I care about my grades, his emails turned into threats towards my success in the class. For something I didn't even do.

I am willing to accept that I don't do everything right all the time and I get that. But in this situation, I did what I was supposed to do. I [assumed] the file was sent correctly and whether it was my ignorance about computer files or his lack of understanding, a problem resulted. But the worst of it all was that I was left questioning my right to confront him about it. As a student I feel that I have the right to defend myself in all situations where grades are concerned if I feel like I am being wronged. However, since its a writing class all grades are extremely subjective and it flashed through my head "what if he takes his out on me for the rest of the semester?"

PS- the subjectiveness of all english/writing/communication/etc classes is a large part of why I am a science major. Just because someone doesn't like you or your style or because you don't write exactly as they prefer things, they can vary your grade accordingly.

And sadly enough, he is not the first person I have dealt with who will unfairly treat people because of their own personal opinions. When someone tries their hardest, puts in the required (if not more) work, and does nothing wrong, why should they feel bad about themselves? Who gave this professor and the other rude people in the world the authority to say "I don't like you, so tough?" Who put them higher on the totem-pole of life?

So please, everyone, take the time to think before you treat someone unfairly. Before you hurt someone and just walk away not caring. Before you put yourself first in a situation that deserves understanding. Give someone a hug because you care about them. Say thank you and yes please because 2 simple words can completely change the dynamics of a relationship. Think about the feelings of others and whether they deserve the words that are coming out of your mouth. Because in the long run, people are all you have in your life. Do you really want to spend your time here just making people upset?


  1. I agree with pretty much everything you said. That sucks that this happened to you =( How is everything now with this professor?

  2. I'm not really sure as of right now.... I haven't really had any interactions with him since but time will tell I guess...



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