But that's not why it bothers me. It bothers me because I used to be different. I used to get up extra early in high school just to curl every hair on my head and make sure I looked perfect before walking out of the house. Looking nice should not only be saved for "catching the right guy" or special occasions, which is what its come to at this point. It's shocking to me when I actually do put myself together and people I see all the time are amazed, saying "wow you have heals on" or "I didn't realize how long your hair is getting."
Yes I'm busier now and yes I have the perfect boyfriend. But I'm going to break out the nice jeans and the blow dryer, wear more than just t-shirts and a little mascara, and at least TRY to be more put together. I truly love looking great and it makes me feel so much better about myself. I just have to find a balance between the importance of the extra half hour of sleep and the feeling I get from being dressed up.
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