Saturday, March 13, 2010

on a Saturday morning

+ Yesterday I motivated myself to go swim, for the first time in way too long. And by swim I mean actually swim, not just lay by the side of the pool and occasionally dunk myself to cool off. It was a gorgeous day yesterday not to mention that I'm sick of working out in the gym where you run on the treadmill staring at the backs of people's heads wishing it didn't smell like BO and alcohol sanitizer as you're trying to get healthier. (Hostility towards the gym? Ok, I'm guilty.) So, not only was it refreshing to get outside to work out but I realized how much I miss the pool. Now mind you, its probably been a good year and a half since I've swam more than two laps at a given time so I was struggling more than I anticipated, but I loved it. There's just something about being in the pool. You can't hear anyone else's conversation, you're left to your own thoughts or like I was yesterday, left to focus on the sound of your strokes. Its so rhythmic. I love being able to focus on my breath; when I breath in, how long I hold it and when I breath out. Its extremely calming. Plus this is the most sore I've been after a work out in a long time which makes me feel good. Weird right that I associate pain with good, but it means I'm doing something good for myself. So you triceps and lats that I somehow managed to completely forget about for the last year and are throbbing as I sit here, hurry up and feel better so I can go swim again.

+ Even if I wasn't sore today I wouldn't be able to go back to the pool again anyways. Weather yesterday= close to 70. Weather today=57 and cloudy. Come on San Diego, stop teasing me with the gorgeous weather just so you can take it away the next day. It should be shorts weather, it is the middle of March already. ;-) Ok so maybe I'm being a little dramatic but I just want to be tan, wear shorts, go to the beach and for it to be summer already!

+ I attempted a little self photo shoot which lasted all of five minutes yesterday because I was grungy from the pool and did not look up to standards. However, I did get a decent one which surprised me and its seen above. I feel like it captures the mood I've been in lately hence the reason I decided to post it. Maybe I'll try again some other day too and see what managed to form.

+ I'm really not motivated to get school related things done today, even though I probably should. Jeff's off recording his radio show, The Mulligan Show , and I'm sitting here having coffee and wanting to do more exciting things than study. I'm really in the mood to go to Ikea. I can't seem to get enough of that store and maybe I can get some new dishes, or some throw pillows, or a new frame, or a cactus. I have a few errands to run today too, nothing very important but at least I can use it as an excuse to get out of homework. But if worse comes to worse, I guess I wouldn't mind terribly if I could go sit at Starbucks, treat myself to a muffin and crank out some studying. The day will tell I guess.

+ My puppy obsession is just about as ridiculous as it's ever been. Seriously if I see someone walking a dog, not even a puppy, I have to stop myself from acting like a 5 year old and yelling "doggy" as I run up for a scratch behind the ear (for the dog I mean, just thought I'd clarify.) Our apartment manager called me yesterday to see if we were going to renew our lease and I couldn't have been happier to tell her "nope, sorry, we're moving." I just happened to leave out the part about moving so we could get our beloved puppy. The end of July can't come soon enough!

+ It is a mere 18 days until I get to go home for a few days for spring break. I'm very excited. That's all.

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