I'm sorry that I have been so MIA lately. I promise that I'll try to be better about it but for the past while there have been other things taking up my time. Between studying and more studying, wanting to enjoy summer at least a little bit, planning for my vacation, and the recent apartment searching I think it's fair to say that I've been busy.
By the way, has anyone figured out how to make more than 24 hours in a day? Because I definitely could have used that recently....
+ I've been spending most of my days, about 9am-6ish doing more studying for my upcoming MCAT. It is officially 20 days away and I'm surprisingly not freaking out this time. I think it's part to do that I've been able to do so much more studying this time around without having to worry about school related things on top of it. It's also because I've taken it once before so I know what it'll be like and I just recently, Tuesday actually, got my scores back for the first test. They were much better than I thought they would be so even though they aren't quite what I want, it's much more realistic to make up the extra points I need this time. It's been nice (not really NICE, but nice since I have to study) that the weather here has been nothing note worthy. Being stuck inside listening to lessons, taking quizzes, and studying flash cards would be much more difficult if it was 75 degrees outside and the pool was calling my name. With all that said, I thought I'd share with you a picture of my lesson book with my childish habit of drawing a heart ♥ instead of writing the letters h-e-a-r-t. I don't know when I started doing this but now it's almost like I can't help it. I was contently listening to my Kaplan Cardiovascular Lesson this afternoon and looked down to see all these little drawings and it made me smile, a nerdy smile but a smile none the less.

+ In the midst of everything else going on in my life right now I desperately could use a job. Like I have time for that, right? Yeah I know, when would that fit in. Maybe there's a job out there that pays $200 an hour so I can work two hours a week and be set... a girl can dream right? It's definitely not something I can really look for seriously though at this point since I'm all consumed with studying until I leave on vacation and will be gone for two weeks. And then right after that my best friend is coming to SD to visit for a week so I couldn't (more like wouldn't) start a job while she was here. It's all fine and dandy because I realize there's nothing I can do about it right now and I'll have plenty of time once all the vacations are done to job search. Plus, it's to the point that I'm really not going to be too picky with where I work as long as I can get paid. With all that said however, I've been trying to cut back on the money I spend since it's starting to get low. I've been making coffee every day at home instead of going to Starbucks even when I am craaaavving a Cinnamon Dolce Latte or a venti Iced Chai. I try to tell myself, "that's $4 you don't need to spend when you have a wonderful espresso maker at home." Maybe I need a new coffee creamer to spice up my home-brew, hmmm? I've also been packing lunches to take to school when I go to study. That way I can be productive all day and not be tempted to go grab Chipotle for lunch. My most recent "spend less money" kick has been to give myself manicures/pedicures. And I have to say, they are totally worth it. I have a tendency to get sick of the color I have on so doing it myself makes my less guilty when I decide to take if off. Pick up some handy Revlon or even splurge for some OPI polish and you'll have tons of good looks for like $8. Yeah it's much easier and much more relaxing to sit in a comfy chair while someone does it for you but this way you don't have to spend the extra twenty. My recent look, I did today actually, was a simple french manicure. My nails are finally to a good length and it looks great. Revlon "White on White" is definitely my favorite french polish and I used OPI "Who Needs A Prince" on top.
+ Many of you may or may not know this but I am a puppy fanatic. It's serious; I think I have puppy-addiction if that's even possible. I literally have to keep myself from being like the kids who ask, "may we pet your dog?" when someone's out on a stroll with their pooch. It's to the point that Jeff and I are moving specifically so we can get a pup of our own. Given that I'll be gone for two weeks, then Jeff leaves for a week, then the bestie comes to visit, we started looking for pet friendly places this week. It's shocking how many places say their pet friendly but then have weight restrictions of 25lbs or smaller so finding a place to get the bread we want limits our selections. By the way, we're getting a golden. However, we've been pretty successful in our first day of going to look at places. We found a place we definitely like already and are going to look at more complexes tomorrow. I can't even try to explain how ecstatic I am that this is finally happening. We've been talking about getting a puppy when we move for about a year and it's sooo close now! So as soon as we can lock down a place that we're going to rent, the search for a breeder can commence. I was already searching for breeders in Souther California last night, Jeff gets really annoyed when I do because I freak out at every picture. But seriously, how could you not want to give this lil' guy a huge hug!?! *squeal*

*Photo from puppiesforsale.com*
Hey! I found you on 20sb. Just wanted to say good luck on the MCAT! That was the worst, but once it's over and you're satisfied it will be that much better. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the encouragement! It's definitely a lot of work but it'll be sooo worth it in the end. Did you take it?
ReplyDeleteYeah, I took it about a year ago. The month beforehand was crazy, but it was SO worth it in the end. :)
ReplyDeleteI also cant wait to get a puppy. :)